Otto Von Bismarck from this country organized the Berlin conference in 1884 to avoid war between European powers
Land directly controlled by a foreign power
When 14 European nations met at this conference to set rules for dividing Africa 1884–85
+250 if you say who was not at the conference
Belin Conference
Define Imperialism
Taking over a weaker nation and controlling them politically, socially, and/or economically.
Name for Indian soldiers who served in the British army
The name of the poem Rudyard Kipling wrote about the duty Europeans had to civilize the people they colonized
"The White Man's Burden"
Belief that one race is better than others
This disease which was passed by mosquitoes was deadly to Europeans colonizing Africa/Asia
Name 2 benefits European nations gained from imperialism
-Gained land
-Natural resources
-Markets to sell products to
-Militarily important
India was known as the "______ in the crown" of the British empire
Queen Liliuokalani ruled over this nation before it was annexed by the United States
A region in which a foreign nation controls trade and investment (They do not directly control the land)
Sphere of Influence
The need for natural resources which fueled imperialism was a result of
The industrial revolution/industrialization
Name 2 negative impacts of imperialism on the people of Africa & Asia
-Loss of Freedom
-Exploited for labor
-Diseases, death, war, enslavement
-Loss of land/natural resources
The British trade of this product led to two wars in China
Zulu chief who created centralized state around 1816 and led resistance against British in South Africa.
Shaka Zulu
Theory of survival of the fittest applied to humans
Social Darwinism
This king of Belgium would cut off the hands of the Congolese for not producing enough rubber
King Leopold II
Define assimilation
Adapting to the culture of the dominant country
Rebellion in China that attempted to end Western influence on the country and kick out foreigners
Boxer Rebellion
Emperor of Ethiopia in 1889, who resisted Europeans and defeated the Italians
Menelik II
Racist belief that it was the white, civilized European’s duty to conquer and civilize non-Industrialized nations in
White Man's Burden
One of the two countries in Africa that remained independent by 1890
Bonus +250 to name both
Ethiopia & Liberia
Which industrialized Asian country participated in Imperialism in Asia
Rebellion that began as a result of Indian soldiers who refused to use cartridges of new rifles for religious reasons
+250 if you can explain why they did not want to use the cartridges
Sepoy mutiny/Sepoy Rebellion
They thought pig/beef fat was on cartridges