Endocrine System
Immunity 1.
Immunity 2

The two organ systems that regulate homeostasis.

WHAT IS the nervous system and endocrine system?


The name of organ in endocrine system that releases chemical messenger (name of that too?) into blood.

Gland and hormone.


Way for pathogens to enter body past first layer of defense.

cuts, wounds, bruise - temporary opening

nose, mouth, ear - permanent opening


Antigen vs. Antibody Define?

Also, which is lock and key.

Antigen - proteins found on surface of foreign or invading pathogens.

Antibody - proteins produced by white blood cells to bind to antigens and mark pathogens

Antigen = key; Antibody = lock.


The ____ determines the ____ of proteins.

shape ... function


The definition of feedback mechanism

WHAT IS an organism’s response to changes in it’s internal and external environment in such a way as to maintain homeostasis?


The hormones that regulate male vs. female reproductive systems.

Testosterone and estrogen

Describe how an allergic reaction can happen.

Your immune system attacks a harmless substance or chemical in body.


Of the two types of diseases, which can vaccines be effective against? Why?

Pathogenic infections.

Vaccines are weakened pathogens that cause your immune system to make antibodies and be ready for future attacks.


Can cancer be prevented with vaccines? Why or why not.

No. Cancer is not caused by pathogens but abnormalities in cells that reproduce uncontrollably. So vaccines are ineffective.

Treatment used by neutralizing/killing cancerous cells and tumors.


Which situation indicates that a disruption of homeostasis has taken place?

(1) the presence of hormones that keep the blood sugar level steady

(2) the maintenance of a constant body temperature

(3) cell division that is involved in normal growth

(4) a rapid rise in the number of red blood cells

(4) a rapid rise in the number of red blood cells


The gland and hormone involved with maintaining homeostasis with blood sugar concentration. How do we detect that the specific gland is not functioning properly?

Pancreas and insulin. Secreted to lower glucose concentration in blood. If it is not working, a person may have abnormal blood sugar concentration or diabetes.


A person recovers from COVID-19. They then become sick with the common cold, having a runny-nose and coughing.

How come this person got sick again, even though they just recovered from having a sore throat, cough and runny nose? (HINT: Do not tell me it's because they got a cold).

They developed immunity for COVID-19.

They can become sick with similar symptoms of the common cold because another virus infected them. Ex. rhinovirus.


Which activity would stimulate the human immune system to provide protection against an invasion by a microbe? 

A. receiving antibiotic injections after surgery 

B. choosing a well-balanced diet and following it throughout life 

C. being vaccinated against chicken pox 

D. receiving hormones contained in mother’s milk while nursing

C. being vaccinated against chicken pox 


How do leaf cells of plants regulate gas exchange ?

Guard cells - opening and closing due to water pressure changes.

Stomata size changes depending on guard cells opening/closing. Regulates rate at which co2, water vapor, o2 go through leaf.


Which statement does not describe an example of a feedback mechanism that maintains homeostasis?

A. The guard cells close the openings in leaves, preventing excess water loss from a plant.

B. White blood cells increase the production of antigens during an allergic reaction.

C. Increased physical activity increases heart rate in humans.

D. The pancreas releases insulin, helping humans to keep blood sugar levels stable.

B. White blood cells increase the production of antigens during an allergic reaction.


There are several ways in which the endocrine system does not function properly. Consider at least 2 possible ways. 

1. abnormal temperature/pH of hormone and receptor to denature them.

2. blockage of receptors.

3. gland produces too little or even too much hormones.

4. Diseases or disorders such as diabetes or autoimmune disease

5. resistance or no response to hormones.


3 types of non-specific defenses and why they are effective.

skin - first layer of defense, limit number of pathogens entering body "nonpermeable to pathogens" 

fever - increase body temperature to denature proteins of pathogens - making them ineffective while your own cells unharmed

inflammation - swelling at area of contact. increase blood cell there and create immune response.

mucous membranes - extra membrane lining of body systems to trap pathogens and eventually expel them.


Draw diagram of interaction with antibody (ON WHITE BLOOD CELL) and antigen. 

What could happen if antibody production is stopped?

Y shaped antibody on surface of white blood cell with antigen fitting in properly.

No antibodies = worse immune response, cannot mark and inactivate pathogens. more severe infections and possibly death.


other name for enzyme and what they do. 

Also, what two factors can affect their function... by doing what to the enzyme?

Biological/organic catalyst - created by proteins in organisms to SPEED UP chemical reactions within organisms.

Temperature and pH can affect enzymes SHAPE. Either making them function effectively or at slower rates. (denature)


Which situation indicates a severe disruption of homeostasis in an ORGAN SYSTEM?

A) Mitochondria stop functioning in a unicellular organism exposed to radiation.

B) White blood cells release enzymes in response to the proteins on inhaled pollen (causing a mild allergic reaction).

C) The ovary releases estrogen, which quickly binds to cell receptors.

D) Blood flow throughout the entire body is suddenly reduced.

D) Blood flow throughout the entire body is suddenly reduced.


Using a feedback mechanism, explain how a person responds to danger or stress to maintain homeostasis.

1. person is calm, well rested.

2. individual placed in life threatening situation 

3. release of adrenaline by pituitary gland, person runs away or fights back.

4. person gets out of situation. stop release adrenaline. Release endorphins to calm body.


What is immunity,

3 ways person can develop immunity?

The ability of an organism to resist infection by a specific pathogen.

  1. innate - non-specific protection such as skin, mucuous, etc. what you wre born with

  2. adaptive - specialized white blood cells, antibodies that develop due to exposure.

  3. antibiotics/medicine, vaccines

  4. immunity may also be genetic ex. sickle cell and malaria


We learned about 5 (technically 6) types of White Blood Cells. Describe 5 functions of white blood cells.

BONUS X1.5 - Given their names as well

  • Macrophages- Large white blood cells which “eat” pathogens and other materials.

  • Helper T-cells- Create antigen receptors to bind pathogens, and activate other immune responses.

  • Cytotoxic T-cells- Produce toxins that damage pathogens.

  • B-Cells- When activated by T-cells, these produce a different WBC called plasma cells. (Activated to become plasma cells)

  • Plasma Cells (lymphocytes)- Produce antibodies, which bind pathogenic invaders and facilitate their destruction.

  • Memory Cells- Patrol the body after pathogens have been destroyed, in case a new infection develops.



Diseases and disorders disrupt homeostasis because they...

in this unit, The different types of proteins we learned about are... (6)

They are very specific because... 

diseases/disorders - make you unable to do normal life functions.

proteins: hormone/receptor ; antibody/antigen ; enzyme/substrate

They are all proteins! and use the lock and key mechanism. must be specific shape to function and communicate with each other.
