The process of learning associations.
What is conditioning?
What associative learning?
Any event that strengthens the behavior it follows.
What is reinforcement?
A desire to perform a behavior to receive promised rewards or avoid threatened punishment.
What is extrinsic motivation?
The process of observing and imitating a specific behavior.
What is modeling?
The diminishing of a conditioned response.
What is extinction?
The principle that behaviors followed by favorable consequences become more likely. Additionally, behaviors followed by unfavorable consequences become less likely.
What is the law of effect?
A sudden realization of a problem's solution.
(Hint: This contrasts from strategy-based solutions)
What is insight(or insight learning)?
The idea that social behavior is learned by observing and imitating the behavior of others, and by being rewarded and punishment.
What is the social learning theory?
An unlearned, naturally occurring response to an unconditioned stimulus.
What is an unconditioned response(UCR)?
Withdrawing a stimulus to decrease a certain behavior.
What is negative punishment?
A biological predisposition to learn associations, such as between taste and nausea that have survival value
What is preparedness?
Frontal lobe neurons that fire when performing certain actions or when observing another doing so.
What are mirror neurons?
The initial stage, when one links a neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus so that the neutral stimulus begins triggering the conditioned response.
(Hint: the process by which a neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus)
What is acquisition?
A reinforcement schedule that reinforces a response after an unpredictable number of responses. This produces higher rates of responding that is difficult to extinguish.
What is a variable-ratio schedule?
The tendency of learned behavior to gradually revert to biologically predisposed patterns.
What is instinctive drift?
Information, ideas, behaviors, that are passed from one person to another through mimicking.
What are memes?
A procedure in which the conditioned stimulus in one conditioning experience is paired with a new neutral stimulus, creating a second(often weaker) conditioned stimulus.
What is higher-order conditioning(second-order conditioning)?
A stimulus that gains its reinforcing power through its association with a primary reinforcer.
What is a conditioned reinforcer?
The ability to control impulses and delay short-term gratification for greater long-term rewards.
What is self-control?
This study by Albert Bandura showed that children who viewed the adult's violent actions were more likely to lash out.
What is the Bobo Doll Experiment?