The port city that the US wanted to purchase from France.
New Orleans
The name of the group led by Merriweather Lewis and William Clark of about 30-40 skilled individuals looking to establish positive relationships with the indigenous tribes.
Corps of Discovery
Building canals, railroads and roads were all ways that people changed or___________their environment during westward expansion.
The present day state that was known as Indian Territory in the 1830's.
How did immigrants boost the American Economy as many settlers moved west?
labor that helped industries grow despite losing people moving westward
The nation that US president Thomas Jefferson sent diplomat James Monroe to to negotiate a deal.
A goal of the Lewis and Clark Expedition.
Find a route to the Pacific from the Missouri River.
Establish positive relationships with the indigenous tribes/nations.
Record new plant and animal species
Name two tools that made it easier for settlers to farm larger areas of land and to grow crops more efficiently(in a way that achieves maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense).
steel plow
mechanical reaper
True or False
The Trail of Tears was one route followed by each of the 5 "Civilized Tribes."
What is the name of the song with the following lines:
O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties,
Above the fruited plain.
America the Beautiful
The Louisiana Purchase expanded the United States from the Mississippi River to this Mountain Range.
The Rockies
Acted as a translator and mediator for Lewis and Clark.
Provide 2 effects on the development of the west as a result of the expansion of the railroad.
Possible Answers
1) Helped Americans move west
2)Farming grew
3)Business expanded west
4) Extended transportation from coast to coast.
True or False
The Cherokees were the first of the "5 Civilized Tribes" to head west.
What concept is reinforced by the line, "God Shed his grace on thee?"
Manifest Destiny
Many Americans came to believe that it was America's fate to extend the nation from the _______________________________westward to the ____________________________.
Atlantic Ocean
Pacific Ocean
Which of the following was not an effect of the Lewis and Clark Expedition?
a) Sacagawea was honored as a hero.
b)Geographic features were identified and recorded on maps.
c)Native Americans lost land because of westward expansion.
d) A route from the Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean was mapped.
Why were Chinese workers hired to work on the Transcontinental Railroad?
They were willing to accept lower wages and endure harsh working conditions.
Which of the following was not a challenge faced by Native Americans as a result of the Indian Removal Act and the Trail of Tears?
a)exposure to new diseases
b)fighting with other tribes
c)lack of resources
d)loss of original land
Why was this song written?
The song praises the beauty of the American landscape, including the skies, grain fields, mountains, and plains
The painting that depicts Manifest Destiny is called American Progress and was painted by John Gast in 1872.
The president that appointed Meriwether Lewis.
Thomas Jefferson
How were Chinese railway workers treated in comparison to other workers?
Name one influential Native American that fought for the Cherokees in court to keep their land.
John Ross
The Author of "America the Beautiful"
Katharine Lee Bates