The spending limit for traditional Political Action Committees (PACs) is...
These amendments to the Constitution all protect voting rights in some way.
The 15th, 17th, 19th, 24th, and 26th Amendments.
Linkage Institutions are described as...
Institutions that provide info to the public about the government.
They don't align with either democrats or republicans.
Franking Privilege.
Money that is donated directly to campaigns and subject to campaign finance laws is called...
Hard Money.
This type of voting involves predicting how a candidate will perform in the future to make a decision.
Prospective Voting.
This form of advertising is usually characterized by blaring small segments of a longer speech in short, 30 second, adds.
Sound Bites.
3rd Parties are often unsuccessful because they lack this key component of larger parties.
Large amounts of funding.
The job of the Campaign Manager is...
To organize all aspects of the campaign.
Soft money is money that exploits a loophole in campaign finance laws. This is because...
It is an indirect donation.
The original purpose of the Electoral College was to...
Members of minority groups are more likely to vote for parties/candidates that lean towards this end of the political spectrum.
The Electoral College presents a barrier to 3rd Parties because candidates need this many votes to win.
Citizens United v. FEC provided a huge advantage to candidates because...
It allowed companies to spend money on their behalf.
This act of Congress was a bipartisan attempt to limit the use and impact of soft money in political campaigns.
The McCain-Feingold Act (2002).
A recent event in Georgia during the 2018 midterm election has been labeled by the media and members of the public as...
Voter suppression.
Biased media institutions sometimes perform this type of coverage to remove people's focus from the actual issues and moving it over to analyzing political data.
Horse Race Coverage.
The House of Representatives.
This type of primary allows only voters that identify with one specific party to vote for their candidate to run in the main election.
Closed Primary.
This Supreme Court case established that companies have the same 1st Amendment rights as citizens with how they choose to spend their money.
Citizens United v. FEC.
Midterm elections are often different than presidential election because...
There is a lower voter turnout.
What do PACs and Super PACs do on behalf of political parties to garner support for candidates.
Advertise/Buy TV air time.
3rd Parties are often unsuccessful because they lac support from these specific groups.
Special Interest Groups.
The Electoral College is often described as going against the idea of democracy because...
They can ignore the popular vote.