Memory Encoding
Intelligence Theories
Memory Processing
Memory Retrieval
Intelligence Tests

The serial position effects state that these two items in a list will be remember these parts 

What is the first and the last in the list


A child that has an IQ of 110 and is 10 would have a mental age of this

What is eleven


Explicit and Implicit memories are both stored here

What is long term memory 


When Lil Mello retrieves the list of bible books, she is retrieving information from this

what is long term memory


A normal standardization curve is this type of shape

what is a bell curve 


 Lil mello can't remember what she ate yesterday but she had a vivid memory of when Beth "graciously" fell at Monster mini golf. Her memory of this could be called this

what is episodic memory


Someone rudely told Megan Fox that she did not have common sense. They basically told her that she does not have this type of intelligence that was identified by Sternberg

What is practical intelligence 


According to the information processing model, memories go through these three areas

What are sensory memory, working (short term memory), and then long term memory 


The free response questions on the ap exam is an example of this type of retrieval

what is recall


mr. boudria gives his chemistry class two different versions of the same test. According to this type of reliability, the students should have similar scores on both tests

What is split half reliability


Which of these practices would be the most useful for studying for Molly's Ap Portuguese exam: reviewing terms for 6 hours the night before, or doing duolingo for 20 minutes a day for 3 months before the exam

What is duolingo practice (distribued practice)


Lil Mello is really good as basketball but not at math, Gardner would describer her as having this type of intelligence 

(questions are made entirely random and not based on fact)

What is bodily-kinesthetic intelligence


When Faith drives her car she is using this type of memory

What is implicit or procedural memory


Molly Wolly prefers these type of questions on test because they require recognition

What are multiple choice questions 


Lil Mello takes a test to see which bridgerton character is her soulmate. The test asks a question about the square root of 81. Mello determines that this test does not have this important aspect

What is content validity 

For her upcoming math exam Molly Wolly recites the word PEMDAS to remember the order to solve equations. By using acronyms, Molly uses this type of memory device 

what is chunking 


Molly Wolly would hope that her therapist has this type of intelligence. Her therapist is helping Molly gain this type of intelligence (2 answers)

What is interpersonal  and intrapersonal


Things are often moved into long term memory during this natural process

What is sleep

Growing up, Megan Fox loved elmo. because of this, when her mom would make a fruit salad Megan Fox only wanted to eat the strawberries. The process of her mind making the association between strawberries and elmo because of the color is called this

What is priming


One standard deviation from the mean in Weschlers Adult Intelligence Scale is this many percentage points from the mean 

What is 15


Megan Fox walks around target and associates each of her chemistry terms with an item of clothing. Megan is using this method of organizing memory 

What is method of loci


Molly Wolly is able to quickly make a pizza for her customer on Papa's Pizzeria. On the other hand her mother is very good at trivia but has trouble learning complex games like papas. Molly has this type of intelligence, while her mother has this type (2 answers, only one necessary for full credit; both answers doubles the points)

What is fluid intelligence (Molly) and crystalized intelligence (Mama)

Molly Wolly is going on a driving lesson and she notices that the car is larger than usual (a van), it is white, and has no words on it. By using this type of processing to take in all the stimuli, Molly decides it is not safe to get in the driving instructor's car

What is parallel processing


Megan Fox wants to grab a drink of coke zero from her kitchen. She walks down to the kitchen and then forgets what she came there for. She walks back to her room and when she enters her room she remembers that she wanted coke zero! This is an example of this type of memory 

What is context-dependent memory


Megan Fox takes a practice test for ap psychology and nearly fails it. When she takes the actual ap tests though she gets a 5. The practice test doesnt have this

What is predictive validity
