Visiting the butterfly sanctuary was a new experience for Celine. As she passed through two doors to enter, she was hit by a wave of humid air that smelled of damp soil and vegetation. It was filled with lush green trees and flowering plants that attracted butterflies.
Which detail above appeals to the sense of smell?
smelled of damp soil and vegetation
Which sentence uses technical terms:
a)The skatepark can get pretty crowded on spring and summer weekends.
b)The bike mechanic adjusted my bike's derailleur and serviced the hub.
b)The bike mechanic adjusted my bike's derailleur and serviced the hub.
Myths are tales passed down through generations to share ideas and morals that are important to a certain culture.
Would the text structure of myths be classified as narrative text or informational text? Why?
narrative text
They follow a plot profile.
Which text structure uses plot (setting, characters, conflict, resolution)
a) informational text
b) narrative text
c) dictionary
narrative text
Identify the onomatopoeia:
A child sitting under the piano, in the boom of the tingling strings.
boom and tingling
Celine was so busy identifying butterflies that she didn't even notice all the birds until she heard one chirping and trilling nearby. She looked up an saw a blue-green bird called a yellow-legged honeycreeper.
What sense do the words "chirping and trilling" appeal to (consider the 5 senses)?
The following words have similar meanings, but different connotations. Which word has a more positive connotation?
a) frugal
b) cheap
a) frugal
What is the theme of a text?
lesson or message from the author
Which text structure is written in time order and does not go back in time, moving only forward.
a) non-linear text
b) informational text
c) linear text
linear text
What sound does the onomatopoeia help to capture?
"A child sitting under the piano, in the boom of the tingling strings."
a) child sound
b) sitting sound
c) piano sound
the piano sound
This dense cake is heavy as a brick.
a) personification
b) simile
c) metaphor
Which sentence uses a simile or metaphor to make a creative comparison?
a) Zoe was like a walking encyclopedia
b) Zoe was very smart and had memorized many facts.
a) Zoe was like a walking encyclopedia
We read the story of Icarus and Daedalus in class. What was a theme of that myth?
(teacher will determine if your answer fits)
This will give you a hint of something to come in a narrative text.
a) foreshadowing
b) flashback
c) linear text
"And pressing the small, poised feet of a mother who smiles as she sings."
What part of the above is alliteration (four words)?
smiles as she sings
A gentle spring breeze whispered to Alice as she walked in the garden.
a) personification
b) simile
c) metaphor
Which sentence uses informal diction?
a) a thorough examination of the artifact revealed it to be genuine.
b) With an awesome waterslide and a cool cafe, the park is totally worth the trip.
b) With an awesome waterslide and a cool cafe, the park is totally worth the trip.
Midas was a king of great fortune, who lived in luxury. King Midas loved three things more than anything else in the world: his daughter, his rose garden, and gold. Nothing gave him more pleasure than seeing his daughter picking roses in the garden and placing them in a gold vase to decorate the castle. Though he had everything he needed and much more, he wanted more gold.
What would you say is the main weakness of King Midas? What evidence supports your thinking?
He is greedy
Though he had everything he needed and much more, he wanted more gold.
Main Heading, Photo, Illustration, Caption, and sidebar can be part of what text structure?
a) narrative text
b) informational text
c) non-linear text
informational text
What is the purpose of alliteration in the following:
"And pressing the small, poised feet of a mother who smiles as she sings".
a) to resemble sounds
b) to emphasize certain words
to emphasize certain words
What are the two things being compared in the following sentence:
My brother Jared is a night owl who writes while most people are sleeping.
Jared and night owl
The world is a grayer place today because Ms. Ada Jenkins, esteemed author and professor, has passed. The world is a grayer place today because we will never again hear her brilliant tales of adventure or benefit from her thoughtful insights and wit.
TWO-PART Question:
Which of the following best describes the author's diction?
a) formal b)technical c)abstract d) informal
Which of the following best describes the author's tone?
a) playful b) solemn c) humorous d)distant
a) formal diction
b) solemn tone
Midas was a king of great fortune, who lived in luxury. King Midas loved three things more than anything else in the world: his daughter, his rose garden, and gold. Nothing gave him more pleasure than seeing his daughter picking roses in the garden and placing them in a gold vase to decorate the castle. Though he had everything he needed and much more, he wanted more gold.
This myth originates in ancient Greece. Based on this one paragraph, what three things did the Greeks value? What is your evidence?
family - daughter
beauty/nature - garden
wealth - gold
If a text has both foreshadowing and flashback, it would be:
a) linear text
b) non-linear text
non-linear text
Which pair of words forms consonance?
less and loud
till and farm
beach and scratch
beach and scratch