Likelihood of Events
Theoretical Probability
Experimental Probability

The likelihood that Deja will win the lottery is very unlikely. Which value could represent the probability of Deja winning the lottery?

A.) 0

B.) 0.51

C.) 0.0009

D.) 0.923

C.) 0.0009


The spinner shown below is being used in a game.

What is the probability of spinning the arrow once with the result being an even number less than 5?

a. 1/9

b. 2/9

c. 4/9

d. 5/9

b. 2/9


Jayla spun the arrow on a spinner 200 times. His results are shown in the table.

Which spinner did Jayla MOST LIKELY use?







The weather shows the forecast for the next 7 days.

Which statement is true?

a. It is more likely to rain on Thursday than on Friday

b. It is likely to rain on Wednesday

c. It is unlikely to rain on Monday

d. It is unlikely to rain on Thursday

C. It is unlikely to rain on Monday


Khair and Marlo are playing a guessing game. One player chooses a whole number from 1 to 10, and the other player tries to guess it. On his turn, Khair guessed 6, which was not the number Marlo chose. What is the probability that Marlo's number is GREATER than Khair's guess?

a. 2/5

b. 5/9

c. 3/5

d. 4/9

d. 4/9


A number cube labeled 1 through 6 was rolled 200 times. The table below shows the frequency of each outcome.

Based on these frequencies, how many times is the number cube expected to land on 6 if it is rolled 50 times?


A store is giving away small gifts to customers that come in. The workers have determined that the probability of customers receiving a red pen is 0.007 and the probability of them receiving a bag is 0.05. What statement describes the likelihood of customers receiving a red pen or a bag?

a. it is very unlikely that customers gets a red pen, but it is very likely that they get a bag.

b. it is very unlikely that customers get a red pen and very unlikely that they get a bag.

c. it is very likely that customers gets a red pen, but it is very unlikely that they get a bag.

d. it is very likely that customers get a red pen and it is very likely that they get a bag

b. it is very unlikely that customers get a red pen and very unlikely that they get a bag.


The spinner shown below is being used in a game.

What is the probability of spinning the arrow once with the result being an even number less than 6? (SIMPLIFY)

1/4, 0.25, or 25%


The table below shows how many coins are in a jar.

A coin is pulled from the jar and then put back in the jar. If 40 coins are pulled, enter the number of times a quarter is expected to be pulled from the jar.

about 7 times


Jenny bought a bag of 23 blue, 2 pink, and 25 purple gumballs. Determine how likely it is for Jenny to randomly draw certain gumballs from the bag. Select Unlikely, Neither Likely nor Unlikely, or Likely for each event given.

Drawing a purple

Drawing a pink

Drawing a blue or purple

Drawing a purple- neither likely nor unlikely

Drawing a pink- unlikely

Drawing a blue or purple- likely


Karen has the cards below in a bag.  Without looking, she pulls out a card.

Select whether the following statements are true or false.

1. The probability of the card containing M is 1/12

2. The probability of the card containing A is 1/4

3. The probability of the card containing a vowel is 5/12

1. False

2. True

3. True


Mrs. Burt uses 3 blue markers, 5 black markers, and 2 green markers on her classroom whiteboard. She chooses one marker randomly at the beginning of a class period, 6 times a day for 30 days. Which table BEST represents the number of times she chooses each color in 200 trials?







Jason tracked the days of the week for the last 50 times he was assigned homework.

Based on the data, Jason is __________ to be assigned homework on Tuesday than on Monday.

He is __________ to be assigned homework on Friday than on Wednesday.

less likely

more likely


Talia uses the spinner shown below for an experiment.

Talia spun the spinner 12 times and recorded her results in the table below.

Which of the following statements best describes the observed frequencies of Talia's experiment?

a. Talia's observed frequencies prove that the spinner must not be equally spaced.

b. Talia's observed frequencies are equal to the expected probability 1/3.

c. If Talia increases her number of spins, the observed frequencies will likely get farther from 1/3.

d. If Talia increases her number of spins, the observed frequencies will likely get closer to 1/3.

d. If Talia increases her number of spins, the observed frequencies will likely get closer to 1/3.


Random samples of citizens from two different cities were surveyed about their age when they were first married. The results of the surveys are shown below. 

Which of the inferences about the populations of the two cities, based on the surveys, are reasonable? Choose all that are correct. 

a. Most 38-year-old citizens of Phoenix are married. 

b. On average, citizens of Phoenix were first married at an older age than those of Houston.

c. The median age of marriage in Houston is 5 years younger than the median age of marriage in Phoenix. 

d. The age range in which citizens of Phoenix were married is much broader than the age range in which citizens of Houston were married. 

e. Most often, citizens in Houston were married at a much younger age than those in Phoenix. 

B, C, E
