y - intercepts
Solving Multistep Equations
Solving Equations with Variables on Both sides
Writing Equations and Inequalities

Identify the slope of the following equation: 

y = 5x + 10

5 or 5/1


What is the y-intercept for the following equation?

y = 5x + .25



Solve for x:

2x + 5 = 15

x = 5


Solve for w: 

w + 10 = 2w + 4

w = 6


Write an equation/inequality to represent the following scenario: 

Taxi Company A charges a fee of $2.25 for a taxi ride and $0.20 per mile for each mile driven. Taxi Company B charges a fee of $1.50 for a taxi ride and $0.25 per mile for each mile drive. After how many miles, m, will Company B be more expensive than Company A.

0.20x + 2.25 < 0.25x 1.50


What is the slope of a line containing the points 

(-5, 5) and (100, -78)



Which value represents the y-intercept?

(-6, -5), (-4, -4), (-2,-3), (0, -2)



Solve for g: 

10g - 12 = 58

g = 7


Solve for h: 

5h + 5 = -2h + 54

h = 7


Write an equation that represents the following scenario:

Marc has $19 dollars and is saving $3 dollars per week. Paoli has $7 dollars and is saving $5 dollars per week. How many weeks will it take Marc and Paoli to have the same amount of dollars.?

3x + 19 = 5x + 7


What would the slope be in an equation represented by this scenario: 

Daniel works as a volunteer in a homeless shelter. So far, he has worked 22 hours, and he plans to continue working 3 hours per week.

The slope is 3. It means that every week, he works for 3 hours.


Identify the y-intercept of the equation represented by the following scenario and explain what it means: 

The Johnsons are putting new carpet in their home. Installation is $300 and the carpeting costs $4 per square foot.

The y-intercept is 300 and it is the cost for installation.


Solve for r: 

-4r - 25 = 75

r = -25


Solve for x:

10x + 55 = 7x +13

x = -14


Write an equation that represents the following scenario: 

Stephen belongs to a movie club in which he pays an annual fee of $30 and then rents DVDs for $0.99 each. Katy belongs to a movie club and pays no annual fee, only the price to rent DVD's, which cost $2.59 each. How many DVD's, x, must Stephen and Katy rent for Stephen's total cost for the year to be less than Katy's?

30 + .99x < 2.49x


What would the slope be for an equation that represents this scenario and what does it represent:

A school orders 25 desks for each classroom, plus 30 spare desks.

The slope is 25. It means that 25 desks were ordered for each classroom.


Identify the y - intercept of the equation represented by the following scenario, then, explain what it means: 

A home improvement warehouse charges a $60 delivery fee. A customer wants to purchase a number of pieces of lumber that cost $5 a piece.

The y-intercept is 60 and it represents the delivery fee.


Solve for d: 

15d - 5 + 17d = 91

d = 3


Solve for p: 

25p - 10 = 11p - 38

p = -2


Write an equation that represents the following scenario and solve: 

Laura and Daisy are on a two-day hike in the Smoky Mountains. Laura hiked 8 miles on the first day and is hiking at a rate of 3 mi/h on the second day. Daisy hiked 4 miles on the first day and is hiking at a rate of 5 mi/h on the second day. How many hours, h will it take Laura and Daisy to hike the same number of miles?

3h + 8 = 5h + 4

h = 2


What would the slope be of an equation that represents the following scenario and what does it mean:

 Jaime purchased a $20 bus pass. Each time she rides the bus, $1.25 is deducted from the pass.

The slope is -1.25. It means that $1.25 is deducted from the pass each time she rides the bus.


Identify the y-intercept of an equation represented by the following scenario, then, explain what it means:

A pizzeria charges $8 for a large cheese pizza, plus $2 for each topping.

The y-intercept is 8 and it represents the cost for a plain cheese pizza.


Solve for c: 

10c - 7c + 55 = 13

c = -14


Solve for k: 

5k + 12 - 2k + 2 = 3k - 10

No Solution


Write an equation that represents the following scenario and SOLVE: 

The Johnsons are putting new carpet in their home. Joey's Installation cost $300 and $4 per square foot for carpeting materials. Magic Carpet installation costs $500 and $2 per square foot for carpeting materials. How many square foot of carpeting, s,  will be needed for Joey's Carpet and Magic Carpet total cost to be the same.

4s + 300 = 2s + 500

s = 100 
