Health and Positive Psychology

Anxiety Related
Personality Disorders
Depression, Schizophrenia, and More
Treatment Options

These are some of the things that positive psychologists would consider and emphasize for clients

Fulfillment, creativity, human growth and experiences, being flexible and adaptable, confidence, gratitude, virtues (wisdom, courage, humanity, justice, tmperance, and transcendence).... being our best selves


This is the term for a condition where people feel upset, concerned, and agitated consistently for sometimes no known reason.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder


Charles is unaffected when he causes other people harm.  He often engages in dishonest behavior for his personal gain, will lie in ways that harm others, and feels absolutely no guilt.  He has _________ personality disorder.



Which view of psychological disorders and treatment might focus on the values and norms in communities, people's access to jobs and security, and overall socio-economic status?

The sociocultural perspective


A drug that increases dopamine production and receptors could be used to treat ___________.

A drug that reduces dopamine might be used to treat _________.

Increase - Parkinsons

Decrease - Schizophrenia


These are the three stages of the General Adaptation Syndrome and a description of each stage.

Alarm - encountering a stressor

Resistance - Coping with the stressor and rising to the challenge effectively and efficiently

Exhaustion - A crash after a period of prolonged stress response.


This type of anxiety disorder occurs after someone experiences extreme trauma and suffers from reliving aspects of that trauma or having trouble coping in situations that cause them sudden alarm.

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder


Roger has an extremely high opinion of himself.  He thinks he is truly more important than others and is, in all actuality, better than them.  He believes he should be admired.  He does not handle inconveniences or criticisms well.  He has __________ personality disorder.



This is a neurodevelopmental disorder that presents during a child's development period and usually involves difficulty with social interactions, social cues, and rigidity.

Autism Spectrum Disorder


A drug that increases GABA production and reception might be prescribed for this type of disorder:



This is the difference between eustress and distress.

Eustress motivates in a positive manner and distress is more debilitating and anguish-inducing.


This is a type of anxiety disorder that occurs when people are afraid of being in public spaces (often due to fear of having a panic attack).

And THIS is a type of anxiety disorder that exists when people are afraid of social interactions.

Agoraphobia, social anxiety disorder


Albert is extremely rigid and has a lot of concern for orderly behavior and organized environments.  He has ______________ personality disorder.



This is one positive symptom of schizophrenia and one negative symptom.

Positive - delusions, hallucinations, inappropriate laughter, inappropriate crying, inappropriate moving, etc.

Negative - catatonia, flat affect, etc.


These are two benefits of group therapy (over individualized therapy):

Realize you're not alone.


Observing norms.

Getting feedback from peers.


What is something that might make it more likely for people to experience eustress instead of distress?

Learning how to view and cope with stress in a positive way in a variety of circumstances.


This is the difference between obsessions and compulsions (in regards to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder).

Obsessions - intrusive thoughts (often producing compulsions)

Compulsions - behaviors (often meant to relieve anxiety caused by obsessions)


Siggy has ________ personality disorder.  He rarely makes his opinions or desires known.  He always defers to other people's wants and needs.  And, he usually needs a lot of support when making changes or decisions.



A cognitive theory of depression might argue this as a cause:

Interpretations of life events that are not helpful (maladaptive) and skewed.


These are two features of client-centered therapy practices.

Unconditional positive regard

Active listening




This is the difference between problem-focused and emotion-focused coping.

Problem-focused coping: Trying to find solutions to the actual problem and remaining focused until the problem itself is solved.

Emotion-focused coping: Managing emotional reactions to stress (deep breathing, meditation, medication, etc.)


A person who starts a completely new life with a new identity (having no memory of his or her old life) may be experiencing _____________ due to some sort of traumatic experience.

Dissociative Amnesia


Poppy has ____________ personality disorder.  Some of her symptoms are behviors that show she always has to be the center of attention and does everything she can to make people notice her at all times.  



This is the difference between Bipolar I Disorder and Bipolar II disorder.

Bipolar I has stronger, more pronounced periods of mania.

Bipolar II has more periods of depressive episodes and any mania is slight (and sometimes mistaken for normalcy).


This is a therapy technique used to treat phobias.

Exposure therapy

Systematic desensitization
