The root -troph- means this.
What is food?
This is where photosynthesis takes place in plants.
What are leaves?
The prefix tri- means this.
What is three?
The mitochondria is known famously as this.
What is the "powerhouse of the cell"?
Fermentaion occurs when this is missing.
What is oxygen?
On the food web, which of the following letters/animals is a third-order consumer?
What is D?
This is the chemical equation for photosynthesis.
What is: carbon dioxide + water + energy ==> glucose + oxygen
If ATP is a $1 bill what would glucose be considered?
What is a $100 bill?
This is the chemical equation for aerobic cellular respiration.
What is: Glucose + oxygen ==> carbon dioxide + water + energy
This is responsible for muscle pain felt after repeatedly lifting weights or sprinting.
What is a buildup of lactic acid due to anaerobic respiration?
This is the amount of energy that is passed from one trophic level to the next.
What is 10%?
This happens when chloroplasts are removed from leaves.
What is the inability to photosynthesize?
The energy in ATP is released by this process.
What is, breaking the phosphate bond?
This is the name for the first step of cellular respiration.
What is glycolysis?
These are the products of yeast fermentation.
What are CO2 and ethanol?
This is the role autotrophs play in the carbon cycle.
What is carbon fixation?
These are the three limiting factors for photosynthesis.
What are light, water, and temperature?
This is what ATP stands for.
What is adenosine triphosphate?
This is how much ATP cell respiration of one glucose molecule generates.
What is, a total of 36 available ATP?
Fermentation happens in this part of the cell.
What is the cytoplasm?
The typical sequence in a food chain is producer -> primary consumer -> secondary consumer -> tertiary consumer. What step is missing in this process?
What are decomposers?
These are the two parts of photosynthesis.
What are light-dependent reactions and light-independent reactions?
ATP is this kind of biomolecule.
What are nucleotides?
These are the final two steps in cellular respiration and how much ATP they each produce.
What are, the Citric Acid (Krebs) Cycle and the Electron Transport Chain? The CAC produces 3 ATP and the ETC produces 32 ATP.
This is oxidation.
What is the removal of electrons?