Main Idea
Affixes and Vocab
Explain Relationships

What is main idea?

What the main point of the story is all about. 


What is refinement?

Improving something


What is an inference and what do you need with evidence?

Inference: an educated guess

You need the text says and quotation marks.


Come up with a sentence using the correlative conjunction both/and.

Example: Andy is both kind and smart.


What does it mean to compare and contrast?

Compare: How two things are similar.

Contrast: How two things are different.


Soccer players learn many skills when playing soccer.  Soccer players learn how to dribble and pass the ball.  They also learn how to control the ball so they can eventually score.  Most importantly, soccer players learn how to work together with their teammates.

What is the main idea?

There are many skills that soccer players learn. 


What does it mean to linger?

to hang around or stay longer


Joe was very tired when he got home from school. He decided to take a nap. When he woke up the sun was shining. He could hear roosters crowing and smelled bacon cooking in the kitchen. He walked slowly into the kitchen and asked his mother, "What time is it?"
What time did he wake up?



Using the past tense form. Complete the Subject Linking Verb Agreement.

Subject: Andy Linking Verb: to feel

Andy felt 


Explain the relationship between Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo.

Both Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo had a huge impact on the Renaissance Movement and both were famous artists.


What is the best question to ask yourself when you are trying to find the main idea?

A. Who is the main character.   B. What is the main event.    C. What is one important detail.   D. What point is the author trying to make.

D. What point is the author trying to make


Create a sentence using servant.

Teacher approval.


Sam and his brother Tim each have their own rooms. Sam likes to make his bed every morning, but Tim never makes his bed. Sam folds all his clothes before putting them away, but Tim leaves all of his clothes on the floor.
What word can be used to describe Tim?



Using the past tense form. Complete the subject linking verb agreement.

Subject: the school Linking Verb: to be

the school was


Explain the relationship between teachers and students.

Teachers are there to help students learn and students learn and grow with their teachers.


Sharks can lose up to 30,000 teeth in their lifetime. Sharks have teeth arranged in rows inside their mouths. These teeth do not have roots like human teeth do, so they fall out easily. When a shark takes a powerful bite into its food, several teeth are lost. When these teeth are lost, new ones push forward from the back rows to replace them. Luckily, sharks continually grow new teeth to replace the thousands they lose.

What is the main idea?

Sharks lose many teeth over their lifetime.


Create a sentence for impatient.

Teacher approval


Many breeds of dogs are used for work. In many cultures dogs are used to herd sheep. The dogs keep the flock from being attacked by animals such as wolves. They also keep sheep from wandering off. Sheepdogs are known for their loyalty and gentleness. Based on your reading of the text, you can INFER that:

Sheepdogs are gentle and loyal.

What is the preposition? What is the prepositional phrase? 

The book is on the table.

Preposition: on

Prepositional Phrase: on the table


Explain the relationship between coffee and teachers.

Coffee provides energy for teachers and helps them to get their day started.


Weather reporters have to give out a lot of information. That's why they use pictures. The pictures help them tell us about the weather without using so many words. Weather reporters need to know where the cold air is. They need to know where the warm air is. They have to know where it is raining and what types of clouds are in the area. Their reports need to be correct, but they also need to be short. The pictures help weather reporters get the information out in a fast way.

What is the main idea?

Pictures help weather reporters get information out in a fast way.


Create a sentence for exclude.

Teacher approval.

Hudson hurried out of the house so he wasn't late for work. He wore overalls and carried a toolbox with wrenches in it. He hopped in his truck and drove off. The sign on his truck said, “Pipe Masters.”
What can be inferred?

Hudson is a plumber.


Create a sentence using the word: excluded

Teacher approval


Explain the relationship of homework to students.

Students use homework to help them learn and gain extra practice.
