Believed that every person was born with 3 natural rights. These rights were rights to life, liberty & property.
Who is John Locke?
Authored the idea: Separation of Powers.
Who is Montesquieu?
Group of people who share common history, culture or language and lives in close proximity to one another.
What is a Nation?
Multi-national empire in Central Europe.
What is the Austria-Hungary Empire?
In 1686, the Third Estate made this vow to not disband until a new constitution has been found for France.
What is the Tennis Court Oath?
Believed that government should have limited power. Government exists to protect individuals' freedom.
Who is Thomas Jefferson?
Author of Vindication of the Rights of Women. Was a feminist, writer, philosopher, and intellectual.
Who is Mary Wollstonecraft?
Is loyalty to one’s NATION and support taking ANY actions that help their nation, especially if that action harms other nations.
What is Nationalism?
Bismark's foreign policy to unify Germany through war & military.
What is "blood & iron"?
Power to make laws.
His speech, Cry of/from Dolores, sparked the Mexican War of Independence.
Who is Father Miguel Hidalgo?
Radical leader of the French Revolution and the Committee of Public Safety. Responsible for the 1000s of death during the Radical Revolution.
Who is Robespierre?
Europeans born in Spanish America.
Who are the Creoles?
Crowned as the first emperor of the German Empire in 1871.
Who is King Wilhelm I?
Power to enforce the laws.
What is executive power?
Freed Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, and Colombia from Spain's rule.
Who is President Simon Bolivar?
Unified Germany through "blood and iron" & "realpolitik" strategies.
Who is Otto von Bismarck?
SHADY JEOPARDY! (Take 400 Points from a Team!)
Individuals who are European & Native American blood mixed.
Who are the Mestizos?
Crowned the first king of Italy in 1861.
Who is Victor Emmanuel II?
A great change in technology or ideas, usually including the
replacement of an old technology or innovation with a new technology or innovation
What is a non-political revolution?
Supreme Protector of Peru. Freed Argentina, Chile, and Peru from Spanish rule.
Who is José de San Martín?
The "Soul" of the Italian Unification. Founder of Young Italy in 1831.
Who is Giuseppe Mazzini?
Individuals who are mixed African and Native American mixed living in Spanish America.
Who are the Mulattoes?
The "Sword" of the Italian Revolution. Led the Red Shirts volunteer army to drive out the Austrian Empire from Italy.
Who is Giuseppe Garibaldi?
A great change in government, usually including the
overthrow of one government
replacement of old leaders with new leaders or a new system of government
What is a political revolution?