Compare and contrast
Verb Mood
Active/Passive Voice
Verbal and Dramatic Irony
"Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame" is a reference to the infamous statue the Colossus of Rhodes and is an example of what type of allusion: history, myth, or literature.
What is myth allusion?
An example or a hero archetype with character traits of a hero.
What is (answers will vary) Hero character traits: A larger-than-life character that often goes on some kind of journey or quest In the course of his journey, the hero demonstrates the qualities and abilities valued by his culture (virtue, courtesey,
The list of all five verb moods.
What are imperative, interrogative, indicative, conditional, subjunctive?
Louise made the chocolate cake.
What is Active voice?
When the audience knows information that the characters do not know. This creates suspense or humor.
What is dramatic irony?
allusion's definition
What is a reference within a piece of literature to something famous outside it such as art, history, pop culture, and well-known people, places, or events?
The White Witch in The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, and the sirens in The Odyssey are examples.
What is the temptress archetype?
This sentence is an example: If the zombie apocalypse happened then I would die.
What is the conditional of this sentence? I would die only if the zombie apocalypse happened.
The original sentence is active voice: The package was advertised by the travel agent.
What is "The travel agent advertised the package"?
A person says or writes one thing and means another, or uses words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of the literal meaning
What is verbal irony?
The biblical allusion that is within a story which has a man and wife who lose their perfect life due to the wife's insatiable curiosity or vulnerability to temptation.
What is an allusion to Adam and Eve?
This is the archetypal setting in which the hero must face great suffering or decision.
What is the crossroads archetype?
I would use this mood when describing how to accomplish something.
What is imperative?
Due to the voice, the emphasis in this sentence is ____________. "Coffee is raised in many parts of Hawaii by plantation workers."
What is "Coffee"?
The type of irony you would choose to create suspense in a narrative.
What is dramatic irony?
The allusion within Dickinson's poem that reads: I took my Power in my Hand -- And went against the World -- 'Twas not so much as David -- had -- But I -- was twice as bold -- I aimed by Pebble -- but Myself Was all the one that fell -- Was it Goliath -- was too large -- Or was myself -- too small? DAILY DOUBLE!! EXPLAIN THE PURPOSE OF THE ALLUSION
What is David and Goliath?
The story of a hero embarking upon a quest to find a treasure (quest for fame or fortune) is an example of which category of archetype?
What is the hero's journey archetypal story?
This mood expresses a suggestion, a necessity, or an indirect command/order
What is present subjunctive?
This voice would be most effective if you meant to defer blame off of the guilty party.
What is passive voice?
Sarcasm is an example but it is does not always fit this category.
What is verbal irony?
Image Explain the inferences that are supported because of the biblical allusion in this image.
Answer can include: Noah's Ark was built to allow a new beginning God punished man by sending the flood, and global warming punishes man Global warming is unavoidable just like Noah's flood Global warming will destroy earth as we know it just as Noah's flood did Only God can save us from Global Warming just like God saved Noah and his family
This character combines the attributes of a hero and the curse of an ill-fated future.
What is a tragic hero?
This mood expresses an untrue condition (hypothetical statement), or a wish or desire.
What is past subjunctive?
An example of Active and Passive voice.
What is (answers will vary)?
Create a verbal irony example and a dramatic irony example based on this image.
What is (answers will vary)?