For most of the year, Russia experiences short Summers and long (this season)
What are Winters
This is the main language spoken by many people living in Russia today
What is Russian
Farmers are told what kinds of crops to plant and how much to harvest
What is Communism
Russia, under the Soviet Union, was run by this type of Government
This is the Capital of Russia
What is Moscow
Not many people live in Siberia due to it being located close to this area on the globe? Better pack a jacket!
What is the Arctic Circle
Due to being part of the Soviet Union, countries like Ukraine and Kazakhstan speak this other language
What is Russian
There are very few choices and not much variety
What is Communism
Russia, AFTER the fall of the Soviet Union, was run by THIS type of government
What is a Federation / Limited
This is the flag of what country that lasted from 1917-1991
What is the Soviet Union
What is the mountain range that separates Russia into eastern and western halves?
What are the Ural Mountains
These living areas, especially around Moscow, are growing in Russia?
What are Cities
People have a choice in who their leaders are
What is Capitalism
Many Russians lined around the block for the opening of this McDonalds after Russia adopted this type of economy
What is Capitalism
This was the name of the stand-off between the United States and the Soviet Union after WW2
What is the Cold War
This area of Eastern Russia is home to one quarter of of the population but three quarters of the countries total land area
What is Siberia
Russian Orthodox is the main religion in the country which is an offshoot of THIS major religion?
What is Christianity
People have the right to own their own businesses
What is Capitalism
The Soviet Union lasted from the end of WW2 until THIS year. The same year as the fall of the Berlin wall
What is 1991
Russia is so large that the country ranks ____ in terms of total size
What is 1st
Lake Baikal holds the title of the "Worlds largest" this kind of lake. One you can drink from!
Freshwater Lake
This style of dancing is an important part of Russia's Culture dating back to 1776
What is ballet
When a country is run by a dictator
What is Communism
This is the type of economy the Soviet Union was based around where the Central Government made most of the decisions
What is Communism
China, North Korea and Cuba are countries that still use this type of economic system
What is Communism