Point of View/ Author's Purpose
Word Meanings
Claim/ Counterclaim/ Evidence
Text Structure/ Summary
Analogies/ Allusions
What are the three point of view types?
first person, second person, and third person
What is it called when you are unfamiliar with a word in a sentence and you use the words around it to obtain meaning of the unfamiliar word?
context clues
What is the counterclaim for the following statement? Schools should be on a year-round schedule because it helps students retain more information.
Schools should have summers off because it allows students and teachers to have a break and prepare for the next school year.
Name one type of text structure
Chronological/sequence Cause/ Effect Problem/ Solution
What is an analogy?
A connection between two things to better explain the first object.
What is the point of view type that uses the pronouns I, me, and my?
first person
Read the following line from podcast 6 and determine what the word precisely means. "The only way out for him is to look around and find somebody else to accuse. And that's precisely what he did."
exactly what he did
What is one piece of evidence to support State Harmon's innocence? What is one piece of evidence to support Steve Harmon's guilt?
answers will vary
The witness timeline in your investigation packets followed what type of text structure?
Chronological/ Sequence
What is a reference within a text to something famous outside of it, such as a well-known person, place, event, story, work of art, literature, music, pop-culture?
What point of view is the following line from podcast 1 written in? "Mr. Evans and Mr. King were to enter the store and do the actual robbery. Another of the planners of this crime was to stand outside the drugstore and stop anyone chasing the robbers."
Third person
Read the following line from podcast 6 and determine the meaning of the word elicit. "The State did elicit from Steve that he spoke to Mr. King about basketball."
to draw out/ evoke
What would the counterclaim be of this claim? Hosting the Olympics would be beneficial for the economy of the host city.
Hosting the Olympics would negatively impact the economy of the host city.
Name two keywords that would be used in a compare/ contrast text structure.
Alike, different, similar, etc.
Read the following line from Steve Harmon's journal and determine if it is an analogy or allusion: "I'm afraid he sees me as a monster."
What is the author's purpose in writing an argumentative text?
to persuade
Read the following line from podcast 4 and determine the meaning of the word, light. "I asked King what happened. He said he had to light him up because he was trying to muscle him."
shoot him
Write a claim on the following topic: Homework
Answers will vary - example: Homework benefits a student's success.
What does a good summary answer?
who, what, when, where, why, and how
Write an example of an allusion.
Answers will vary.
What is the difference between third person omniscient and third person limited point of view?
Limited reveals the thoughts and feelings of one character; omniscient reveals the thoughts and feelings of more than one character.
Read the following line from podcast 6 and determine what the word loot means. "Does it really surprise anyone that a man who is capable of robbing a gas station, and he has admitted to doing just that, who then sells the loot from the robbery..."
stolen goods
Read the following piece of evidence from Mr. Sawicki's testimony and write a claim. "It said the time of the crime was around 4:00 on August 7th, and I started thinking that didn't make sense to me...4:00 - that's when I got a call from Steve. I know that's when the paper said the holdup supposedly happened, but he seemed completely normal."
Steve Harmon did not commit the crime.
Write a 5 sentence summary of Steve Harmon's journal.
answers will vary
In podcast 2, Wendel states, "He's (Bobo) kinda like Batman, you know who he is , but you never really see him." What is this an example of?