Cold War
Vietnam I
Vietnam 2
Civil Rights/Reform
What is the name of the event when Cubans fought off an attack of US sponsored Cuban exiles?
What is Bay of Pigs?
Many people were against the Vietnam War. Some of the major concerns were that the US was interfering in a civil war, many civilians were being killed by the bombing, and the _____ unfairly targeted the working class.
What is draft?
President Nixon began a program of Vietnamization--turning the war over more and more to the South Vietnamize to fight. While he was doing that, however, he also authorized bombing of what country in hopes of destroying supply lines to North Vietnam?
What is Cambodia?
President Nixon was the first president to visit communist China. Nixon believed that improving relations with China would also lead to improved relations with what other communist country?
What is the Soviet Union (USSR)?
There were several key laws passed during the 1960s and 1970s that advanced rights for women. This was called the "second wave of feminism." One key law that was proposed was "equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the US or by any State on account of sex." This law however, was overshadowed by the Watergate scandal, and has subsequently never been passed. What is its name?
What is the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)?
When Soviet missile base was found in Cuba, this was the beginning of the ___________. This 2 week long event was the closest the United States has ever been to a Cold War.
What is Cuban Missile Crisis?
This is the name of the leader of communist North Vietnam.
What is Ho Chi Minh?
The final outcome of the Vietnam War was that it ended in a stalemate for the US. Two years after the US pulled out of the war, the capital of South Vietnam, ______, fell to the North Vietnamize army and Vietnam became a unified, communist nation.
What is Saigon? (It is today renamed Ho Chi Minh City.)
During the course of Nixon's presidency there was an easing of relations between the US and the Soviet Union? What was this called?
What is detente?
Many various groups such as Native Americans, Hispanics, women, and gays and lesbians organized to advocate for civil rights during the 1960s and 1970s. What was their inspiration?
What is the African American Civil Rights movement?
After evaluating many different options, President Kennedy took this action regarding the Cuban Missile Crisis?
What is initiated a naval blockade around Cuba? This would keep the Soviets from bringing in weaponry.
This event in 1964 when North Vietnamese ships supposedly attacked US ships led President Johnson to ask Congress to send more troops to Vietnam without a formal declaration of war.
What is the Gulf of Tonkin incident? (Gulf of Tonkin Resolution)
There were many protests groups during the Vietnam War. One was abbreviated the SDS and was a mainly student led group that opposed the war. What does SDS stand for?
What is Students for a Democratic Society?
What scandal eventually led President Nixon to resign from office (and thereby being the first president to resign)?
What is Watergate?
Because of the considerable growth in population over the years, this group was able to make gains in their political power. What is this group?
What is the Hispanic community?
The final result of the Cuban Missile Crisis was that the missiles were removed from Cuba and the US removed its missiles in what European country?
What is Turkey?
Agent Orange and napalm were two kinds of chemical warfare used in Vietnam. What were those chemicals used for?
What is destroy the foliage in the jungle so the US troops could locate the Vietcong (North Vietnamize soldiers)?
The news of the bombings in Cambodia esclated many anti-war protests. One such protest at ____ _____ University, resulted in the death of college students when the National Guard fired into the protesting crowd.
What is Kent State?
President Gerald Ford took over when President Nixon resigned. He was the first president that was never elected to office. (He assumed the vice presidency when Spiro Agnew resigned and then assumed the presidency when Nixon resigned.) President Ford inherited many problems as president. One such problem was an economic crisis caused by rising prices (inflation) and rising unemployment. What is the name for this combination?
What is stagflation?
This man founded the National Farm Workers Association and led non violent boycotts against agricultural products such as grapes in order to protect field workers and to protest the use of cheap illegal immigrant labor. He later used hunger strikes as a means of protest. Who is this man?
What is Cesar Chavez?
This theory was the guiding principle that directed the US's foreign policy during the Cold War era.
What is the domino theory? If one country fell to communism, other surrounding countries would follow.
In 1968 during the Vietnamize New Year, the North Vietnamize led a surprise attack against the South/US. It ended up being a military victory for the South/US but its effect was that the US learned the North could attack them in the South at any time and the widespread TV coverage of this attack, dramatically turned public opinion against the war. What was the name of this surprise attack?
What is the Tet Offensive?
This group rejected the establishment and traditional values of the middle class during the 1960s and 1970s. What was this group called?
What is counterculture?
Part 1: A major contributer to the economic problems of the 1970s was an Arab _____ embargo. Part 2: President Jimmy Carter had some foreign policy success with the Camp David Accords and the return of the Panama Canal to Panamanians. His largest foreign policy failure, however, likely cost him his re-election to the presidency? What was that foreign policy failure?
Part 1: What is oil? Part 2: What is the Iran hostage crisis?
Led by Rachel Carson's Silent Spring, the environmental movement was born in the 1960s and 1970s. This led to the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) during whose 1970s presidency?
Who is President Nixon?