What two famous people appeared on the mountaintop with Jesus after His transfiguration?
Moses and Elijah
What is the true reason why the teachers of the law brought the adulterous woman to Jesus?
They were trying to trap/trick him.
What are considered as the good things that God gives us?
What is "undeserved favor?"
What means "to come back to life again after being dead?"
When Moses led people out of Egypt, it was called...
an exodus
The area outside the temple where the Gentiles were allowed to worship was called...
What dud the disciples do when they saw people bringing their children to Jesus?
Tried to stop the children and send them away
What kind of tree did Zacchaeus climb to see over the crowd as Jesus passed by?
a sycamore-fig tree
What did Martha say when she met Jesus concerning Lazarus?
"Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died."
Who are considered as Jesus' besties?
Peter, James, and John
A person who claims to have moral standards but goes against their statement is called...
a hypocrite
What is "to be rescued from evil," also considered a free gift?
What did the rich young ruler ask Jesus when he fell on his knees before Him?
What must I do to inherit eternal life?
What was Jesus' reaction to hearing about Lazarus' death and seeing Mary and Martha in mourning, stated in John 11:35?
He wept (Jesus wept.)
Vocabulary word that is "Jesus in his heavenly form or glory"
When Jesus was asked about what to do with the adulterous woman at the temple courtyard, what did he write on the ground?
We don't know
When you are being content because you trust God instead of worrying about other things, you have what is called...
childlike faith
Which city of ancient Israel is possibly the oldest city in the world?
Describe the reactions of the two groups of people after hearing about Lazarus being raised from the dead.
Group 1: They saw and believed in Jesus, the SOn of God
Group 2: They told the Pharisees
Which disciple of Jesus is deeply ambitious and judgmental, but is completely devoted to Jesus?
James, Son of Zebedee
What is someone who is deeply prejudiced against women called?
Sea of Galilee, Dead Sea
Jesus said it is easier for a __?__ to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.
What is the hometown of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus near Jerusalem in the region of Judea?