Types of Energy
Transfer of Energy
Transfer of Energy 2
Energy Sources
Energy of Motion
What is Kinetic Energy
Explain the transformation that takes place when you rub your hands together. START FROM THE SUN ( 5 steps)
What is light energy( from the sun) to chemcial energy (plants make sugar) to chemical (stored in bonds in food) to kineitc (movement of the hands) to thermal (heat produced from friciton)
As the mass of an object moving at a given speed decreases its kinetic energy will ______________________.
What is decrease
Wind turbines convert _________________ energy into eletrical energy.
What is kinetic
An energy source that is replinished continually (not an example)
What is renewable resource
The type of Energy that depends on mass and position
What is potential energy
Explain the transformation that takes place when you turn on a flashlight. From the battery to the light. 4 steps
What is Chemical (of the battery) to electrical (flow of elctrons) to radient (of the light) to thermal ( the heat produced by the light)
As the speed of a falling object increases, its potential energy will _____________________.
What is decrease
Hydroelectricity can generate electricity because of the initial _______________________ energy of the water.
What is potential
An energy source that is used up faster that is can be replaced. (not an example)
What is a nonrenewable resource
Type of energy that depends on the speed of molecules.
What is thermal or heat energy
Explain the transformation of a book falling from table. Explain the type of energy and where it comes from. 3 steps
What is Potential ( due to the position of the book) to kinetic ( motion of the book) to thermal ( the friciton between the book and the air)
When you drop a book on the floor, what happens to its original potential energy?
What is the potential energy was transfered to kinetic and thermal energy
Wind energy, coal energy, nuclear energy, ethonal energy, hydroelectric energy and solar energy all are used to make electricity. However, solar energy is different, what do all the other energy sources do that solar energy does not?
What is Turn a turbine that turns a generator to make electricity.
A device that transforms kinetic energy into electrical energy.
What is a turbine (generator)
Type of energy that depends on the flow of electrons
What is electrical energy
Explain the transformation of energy that occurs in a coal burning power plant. List the type of enrgy and where it comes from. 5 steps
What is Chemical (coal) to thermal (heat released from breaking the bonds of coal to boil water)to kinetic ( the steam makes) to kinetic (turbine move) to electrical (the turbine is conected to a generator that make a flow of electrons)
A basketball is dropped from a height of 2m and another identical basketball is dropped from a height of 4m. Which ball has more kinetic energy just before it hits the ground?
What is The basketball dropped from a height of 4m because it has more speed.
Explain hydroelectric energy and give one advantage and one disadvantage.
What is hydroelectric energy is using the potential energy of water and turning it into electrical energy. One advantage is it does not pollute. One disadvantage is that it disrupts aquatic life.
State the Law of Conservation of Energy
What is Energy can not be created of destroyed it can only be transfered or tranformed.
Type of energy stored in bonds
What is Chemical energy
Explain the transformation that takes place to make a toaster work using a wind turbine. Begin with the sun. (6 steps)
What is thermal energy (from the sun) to kinetic energy (of the wind) to kineitc energy (the baldes to spining) to electrical ( the turbine turns a generator and makes a flow of electons) to thermal ( heat from the toster) to radient ( when the toaster get hot enough it will emmit light)
When you drop a tennis ball, it hits the floor and bounces back up. But, it does not reach the same height as before and each time bounce is smaller than the previous one. However, you notice the tennis ball is slightly warmer after it finishes bouncing. Explain how the law of conservation of energy is obeyed.
What is During each bounce, some of the kinetic energy of the ball in transfered into thermal energy. As a result, energy is not created or destroyed, but only changes form so that the law of conservation of energy is obeyed.
Explain how nuclear energy is used to create electricity and give one advantage and one disadvantage.
What is Uranium atoms are split and heat is released to boil water. The boiling water creates steam. The steam turns a turbine and the turbine tunrs a generator, which makes a flow of electrons. One advantage is that is does not pollute the air. One disadvantage is that is makes radioactive waste.
Name Each type of energy and give an example.
Kinetic, Potential, Light, Heat, Chemical, Nuclear, and electrical