A device that effectively puts seeds into the ground.
What's a seed drill?
This dude invented the spinning jenny.
Who is James Hargreaves?
The burning of fossil fuels, the usage of coal, and and production of iron.
What are mineral resources?
New technologies, reshaping societies led to a dramatic change in society and economies
What is the Industrial Revolution?
A device that efficiently places seeds in a designated spot in the ground
What is Seed Drill?
A multi-spindle spinning frame, revolutionizing cotton spinning.
What is a spinning jenny?
This guy patented the water frame; considered father of factory system.
Richard Arkwright.
Resources from the colonies?
What are resources from the colonies.
The separation of a work process into a number of tasks.
Rotating different crops in and out of a field each year
What is the Crop rotation
Water-powered machine that makes stronger cotton yarn.
What is a water frame?
This man created a system of interchangeable parts.
Water routes made transport of raw materials and finished products expensive supplemented by publicly funded canals and harbors.
What are abundant rivers?
A push in the 18th and 19th centuries to take land that had been formerly owned by all members of a village.
Only breeding the best animals.
What is improved breeding?
This thing easily separates cotton and cotton seeds.
What is a cotton gin?
This gentleman described the rigid structure of early factory work (and also told everyone the economy works best when left alone).
Who is Adam Smith?
The world's strongest fleet of naval ships
for defense and commercial ships for trade.
What are strong fleets?
A business operated within a person's home.
What is the cottage industry?
soy sauce rebellion
What is the Sepoy Rebellion?
A pith helmet with a portable radio built in.
What is a straw hat radio?
He who expanded the concept of the division of labor, developing the movement of the assembly line.
Who is Henry Ford?
A legal guarantee private property would not be taken.
What is the protection of pervert property?
Anything that creates benefit or value to its owner.
What is capital?
The growing of three crops per year.