This enlighted philosopher believed in the separation of powers in order to maintain checks and balances
Who in Montesquieu?
France experienced revolution because one group paid heavy ___________ that supported the other two groups.
What are taxes?
The concept which asserts that Europeans were "naturally superior" to other peoples was known as
What is social darwinism?
In response to the issues of capitalism, Karl Marx and Fredrich Engles developed
What is communism?
The North and South American independence movements of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries shared inspiration from what non-political revolution?
What is the Enlightenment?
This enlightened philosopher would agree with the idea of separation of powers because they also supported consent of the governed and natural rights
Who is John Locke?
In part due to inspiration from the French Revolution, the country also experienced revolution and became first independent Black republic in the Americas
What is Haiti?
Cecil Rhodes is most closely associated with the imperialization of
What is South Africa?
Nationalist leader Garibaldi was to Italy as Otto von Bismarck was to
What is Germany?
The period in which Japan experienced industrialization is referred to as
What is the Meiji Restoration?
According to Adam Smith, the government should make very few laws that affect businesses, which is known as
What is laissez-fiare economics/ hands-off capitalism
The transition from a human- and animal-powered economy to a fossil-fuel economy was a result of which revolution?
What is the industrial Revolution?
Due to imperialism, British Raj policies destroyed ___________ businesses by restricting who they could sell to.
What is Indian?
The leaders of the Haitian Revolution came from a different ____________ than did the leaders of the French Revolution,resulting in a difference
What is social class?
British demands for the unrestricted import of this drug into Chinese markets led to a series of wars between England and China
What is opium?
As a result of low wages, poor conditions, and child labor, industrialized nations such as England saw the emergence of ______________ movements which led to child labor laws and housing laws.
What are social reform movements?
Creole grievances about their lack of political authority is associated with which Western Hemisphere revoltion?
Latin American/South American
As a result of the "___________________" European states imposed their culture in an attempt to spread their values among colonial populations
What is White Man's Burden
One reason why transoceanic migration increased during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was the development of _________________
What are steam-powered ships?
Better medicines to prevent tropical diseases helped led to the imperialization of
Africa- Scramble for Africa
As a result of industrialization, various groups and peoples would migrate. Unlike European migrants, South Asian migrants often served as ______________ laborers.
Political rivalries between European states encouraging diplomatic agreements that reserved colonies for European powers, such as the ________________ in Africa
What is Berlin Conference?
Cecil Rhodes is most closely associated with the imperialization of
South Africa
Long-distance immigration to the Americas in the late nineteenth century most often contributed to growing rates of _______________ as migrants predominantly settled in cities
What is urbanization?
In addition to Japan, which non-European state created an empire in the Asia-Pacific region in the late nineteenth century