The structure known as Templo Mayor is located in Tenōchtitlan, also know as what currently known city?
Mexico City
Name the following structure
Great Mosque of Djenne (Jennay)
The following image is known as a
Transformation Mask
The following image is an example of what art? and Where from?
The Wall plaque of the Edo people
The Mblo Portrait mask is a ceremonious mask that is designed to
Honor a specific member for their accomplishments within the tribe
The Royal Mayan City found on the base of the Yacutan Peninsula is known as
The image above is taken from what great African Structure?
The Conical Towers and great wall of Zimbabwe
The Bandolier bag of the Lenape tribe was constructed with imported materials such as beads and silk, this furthers the concept that the functionality was primarily
an indication of social status within the community
what is the name of the sculpture used to settle spiritual, ethical and moral disputes?
Nkisi Nkondi
In the Bundu Mask black is used to represent what three things?
Coolness, Water and Humanity
Structure #40 and Structure #33 were commissioned by what great Yaxchilan Ruler?
Jaguar Bird the IV
The Conical Towers and great wall of Zimbabwe utilize what popular building technique that recognized from civilizations in Peru?
Ashlar Masonry
The name of the civilization responsible for the transformation masks and ceremony are known as the
Kwakwaka'wakw (kwock-KWOCKY-wowk)
what is the name of the sculpture above?
The Ndop
Ikenga Means or translates to
" Strong right Arm"
What is the name of the structure?
Mesa Verde national park Cliff Dwellings
Djenne needs annual maintenance in order to stay functional. This is because?
It is constructed purely on natural resources ( mudbrick, Adobe, etc.)
The following piece was constructed by Maria Martinez, who was the one who primarily painted them?
Her husband, Julian Martinez
The Ashante people have a ceremonious golden stool that is not to be sat on. What is the native name for the stool?
Sika Dwa Kofi
who in the community of the Luba people are the ones designated to read the Lukasa?
Mbudye or Men of Memory
List three theories on the conception of the great serpent mound. ( why it was constructed )
Could represent a snake, tracking Astrological events and could also be used as a calendar (tracking time)
What is the name of the Ceremony in which the citizens of Djenne replaster the wall of the Great Mosque?
The Crepissage
Who is the name of the artist responsible for the piece above?
Cadzi Cody or Cotsiogo
The figures in this wall plaque are representing what civilization that made contact with the Benin people.
The portuguese
utilization of the hierarchy of scale in this sculpture would suggest that what carries the biggest influence over the king?
The wife/Queen