(Political Revolutions)
This 1789 event began with the storming of the Bastille
French Revolution
This "Iron Horse" revolutionized transportation in the 1800s
This social class emerged during industrialization, including factory owners
This British policy of economic dominance in China led to the Opium Wars
Open Door Policy
This economic system emerged with industrialization; Theorized in part by the philosopher Adam Smith
Led by Toussaint L'Ouverture, this Caribbean revolution created the first Black republic
Haitian Revolution
This British system of manufacturing used interchangeable parts
Factory System
This "ism" promoted workers owning means of production
This Japanese period marked rapid modernization after 1868
Meiji Restoration
This economic theory promoted free trade and markets
Simon Bolivar led independence movements in this region of the world
South America
This energy source powered the First Industrial Revolution
Coal/Steam Power
This 1848 document by Marx and Engels outlined communist theory
Communist Manifesto
This African "Scramble" occurred in the late 1800s after this meeting of European Nations
Berlin Conference
This class of people typically worked in factories and were considered the "Working poor"
The Proletariat
These famous dads shook off their own during the American Revolution
The Founding Fathers
This invention by Eli Whitney revolutionized cotton processing
Cotton Gin
These labor organizations fought for workers' rights
Labor Unions
This Indian rebellion of 1857 challenged British rule
Sepoy Mutiny/Sepoy Rebellion
These colonies were predominantly indigenous, however they also were ruled by a minority of European colonizers (By law or by force)
Tropical Dependencies
This Royal Russian Family dating back to the 16th Century would be the last Monarchs to rule Russia
The Romanov
This communication invention by Samuel Morse changed information speed
This social theory by Herbert Spencer applied Darwin's ideas to society
Social Darwinism
This Ottoman reform period attempted modernization
The Tanzimat Reforms
This economic system of colonial exploitation enriched European powers; It also was the precursor to Capitalism