Vocabulary Unit 6
Grammar Unit 6
Vocabulary Unit 7
Grammar Unit 7

Identify if the sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is incorrect, fix the mistake:

"I bought a new oven for the living room."

Incorrect: I bought a new oven for the kitchen.


Identify if the sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is incorrect, fix the mistake:

"We had a picnic when it started to rain."

We WERE HAVING a picnic when it started to rain.


Our holiday was amazing/terrible! We didn't enjoy it all.

Our holiday was TERRIBLE. We didn't enjoy it all


Identify if the sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is incorrect, fix the mistake:

"We are watching a film later."



What is something that is outside of your house and where you have flowers, plants, and shrubs?



Complete the sentence:

Pam is ___ ____ (not study), instead she __ ___ (lay) in bed because she is sick.

Pam is NOT STUDYING, instead she IS LAYING  in bed because she is sick


From the following words, state which are indoor and which are outdoor activities:

- camping

- hiking

- horse riding

- visiting a museum

- skiing

- scuba diving

Indoor- visiting a museum

Outdoors- camping, hiking, horse riding, skiing, scuba diving


"My sister says that this year she _____ (pass) all her tests."

My sister says that this year she IS GOING TO PASS all her tests.


What are 3 things you can find in a kitchen?

Sink, oven, fridge, dishwasher


Is the sentence correct or incorrect? If there is a mistake, fix the error:

"I broke your favourite cup while I washed the dishes."

I broke your favourite cup while I was washing the dishes.


Which of the words does not match the rest? Then, state the definition of each.






- Bore- state of being weary and restless through lack of interest.

- Amaze- surprise greatly; fill with astonishment.

- Interest- feeling of wanting to know or learn about something or someone.

- Excite- cause someone to feel very enthusiastic and eager.


Explain the differences between present continuous and present simple.

Present continuous- is used to talk about things we are doing now.

Present simple-is used to talk about things we do regularly. 


Complete the two sentences with the correct form of the given word. Next, you must choose which of the two answers to spell.

1. My dad has got a huge ________ (collect) of CDs

2. Here are a few simple ideas to change the _____ (appear) of the room.

1. My dad has got a huge collection of CDs

2. Here are a few simple ideas to change the appearance of the room.


Ben ____ (walk) to school when he met his friend. They ____ (hear) a strange noise coming from the woods, yet they still ____ (look) for the reason behind the sounds.

Ben WAS WALKING to school when he met his friend. They HEARD a strange noise coming from the woods, yet they still LOOKED for the reason behind the sounds.


Explain the differences between a coast and valley.

Coast- land near the sea

Valley- a place between hills


Rearrange the words in the correct order and write a question in present continuous.

- Have/ what/ for lunch/ you

What are you having for lunch?


Come up with a sentence(s) using the words- laundry, washing machine, curtain

I have so much laundry to do, but I am using the washing machine to wash all my curtains at the moment. 


Create a complete and detailed sentence(s) in past continuous using the following vocabulary words: start, carpet, bright

I started reading the instructions on the details on how carpets are made and I especially liked the one with bright colours.


Explain each vocabulary word. Then identify which two words are the complete opposites and explain why.

- Desert

- Reef

- Glacier

- Mountain

Desert and glacier.

- Desert- a very hot and dry area of land

- Reef- a ridge of rock, coral, or sand just above or below the surface of the sea.

- Glacier- moving mass or river of ice formed by the accumulation of snow on mountains or near the poles.

- Mountain- a large natural elevation of the earth's surface rising abruptly from the surrounding level


Answer the following question, in 4 sentences, using present continuous:

What are you doing this weekend?

I am going to meet up with my friends after work. Then we are having a few drinks at someone house. All while listening to music and talking amongst ourselves. I am looking forward to a relaxing weekend. 
