Fossil Fuels
Renewable Energy
Nuclear Energy
Long Term Impacts
Math / Scientific Method

The combustion of this fossil fuel produces the least amount of CO2 and no SOx or NOx.

What is natural gas?


The most common energy source in less developed countries.

What is biomass?


Cesium-137  is a radioactive fission product of Uranium-235 that is left behind in the case of a nuclear meltdown. Scientists have determined it takes 10 half lives for a radioactive isotope to be deemed safe around humans.  If Cesium-137 has a half-life of 30 years how long will it take for a meltdown site to become safe after a nuclear meltdown?

What is 300 years?

10 half lives x 30 years = 300 years


The use of this renewable energy source most directly leads to deforestation if not practiced sustainably.

What is biomass? (charcoal/wood)


In 2005, SD produced roughly 25 million barrels of ethanol. In 2022, SD produced roughly 34 million barrels of ethanol. Calculate the percent increase in ethanol production.

What is a 36% increase in ethanol production?


This country has the greatest amount of coal reserves in the world.

What is China?


Two drawbacks of using solar energy on a large scale.

What is

- requires rare earth metals to produce PV cells

- solar farms can lead to habitat loss

- weather dependent

- high initial cost


The half-life of Zn-71 is 2.4 minutes. If one had 100.0 g at the beginning, how many grams would be left after 7.2 minutes has elapsed?

What is 12.5g remaining.

7.2 / 2.4 = 3 half-lives

1st half life: 100.0g / 2 = 50.0 g

2nd half life: 50.0g / 2 = 25.0 g

3rd half life: 25.0g / 2 = 12.5 g


Describe the differences between geothermal power plants and geothermal heat pumps.

What are...

- geothermal power plants generate electricity

- power plants must be near a hot spot or volcano

- heat pumps lessen the expense of heating and cooling homes, businesses, and water

- heat pumps can be located anywhere

- heat pumps require electricity to power the pump


In 1990, the US consumed 40 quadrillion BTU of energy produced by natural gas. In 2005, the US consumed 45 quadrillion BTU of energy produced by natural gas. Find the percent change in natural gas consumption between these two years.

What is a 12.5% increase in natural gas usage.


0.125*100 = 12.5% increase


These are two potential drawbacks of hydraulic fracturing.

What are groundwater contamination, habitat loss, increased seismic activity.


Describe how fuel cells generate electricity in a vehicle.

What is

- hydrogen is sent through fuel cell

- electron is separated and run through circuit to generate electricity

- electricity runs the motor

- electron joins back with proton and oxygen to produce the byproduct, water vapor


A nuclear meltdown in this portion of a nuclear power plant would likely lead to the release of radioactive material.

What is the reactor core.


Describe two potential drawbacks for hydrogen fuel cells.

What are...

- infrastructure does not exist for hydrogen fuel cells to be used across the US

- methane (natural gas) is the main source for creating hydrogen gas which emits CO2

- larger fuel tanks would be required in vehicles using hydrogen gas 


Ms. Werner is driving from Sioux Falls, SD to Minneapolis, MN. Her hybrid vehicle averages 35mpg on the interstate. If the trip is 238 miles one way, calculate the lbs of CO2 she will emit round trip.

One gallon of gasoline emits 20lbs of CO2.

What is 272lbs of CO2?

238 miles x 2 = 476 miles round trip

476 miles x (1 gallon/35 miles) x (20lbs of CO2/1 gallon) = 272lbs of CO2


This region is the largest exporter of petroleum in the past 50 years.

What is the middle east?

These two factors should be taken into consideration when selecting a location for a wind farm.

What is

- bird migration patterns

- waterfowl nesting sites

- residential areas

- nearby buildings and structures

- proximity to power and transportation infrastructure

- strength and frequency of winds in area


Describe how a nuclear power plant generates electricity.

What is...

- A fission reaction of Uranium-235 occurs in the reactor core

- The reaction releases heat which heat water into steam

- The steam turns a turbine

- The turbine spins a generator which generates electricity


Two ways governments can encourage sustainable energy use.

What are

- require higher fuel economy standards for new cars

- implement increased taxes on fossil fuels to discourage companies from building more FF plants

- offer rebates/ tax credits to encourage companies to build more renewable energy sources


A researcher wants to know how trout will be affected by the installation of a hydroelectric dam on a river. He plans to measure the populations of trout up-stream and down-stream from the dam over the next 10 years as the dam is installed. 

Identify the independent variable, dependent variable, and a control group for this experiment.

What is 

IV: Dam Installation

DV: Trout Population Size

Control Group: Trout Population before dam installation or trout population in a similar river/ different section of river without a dam


Explain the process of bitumen extraction and why it is so difficult.

What is...

- heating water to produce steam

- injecting the steam into the well

- pumping the less viscous bitumen to the surface

- using water to purify it on-site

- shipping it to its final destination

- it is difficult because the bitumen is thick and viscous, it does not pump through pipes without heating so it is very energy and water-intensive to extract


Why biomass is considered carbon neutral.

What is...

- biomass releases modern carbon instead of fossil carbon

- the photosynthesis the plants did while alive removing carbon dioxide roughly equals the amount of carbon dioxide released when burned


Two safety features in a nuclear power plant to reduce the chances of a nuclear meltdown.

What is...

- Control rods absorb neutrons in the reactor core to slow down the reaction

- Water pumps bring cool water which cools down the reactor

- Cooling tower cools down water before sending back into the reactor


Identify an environmental problem that can be caused by installing a hydroelectric dam.

Propose a solution, other than switching to a different renewable energy source, that reduces your identified problem.

What are... (answers vary)

- interruptions to fish migration up and down streams -> install fish ladder

- habitat loss for terrestrial organisms -> relocate to a nature preserve

- decreased dissolved oxygen downstream -> install aerating turbines downstream

- increased turbidity downstream - > install multi-level water intakes to ensure water is released from dams at all levels and not just the bottom


A flight to Fort Lauderdale, Florida produces 193 kg of CO2 emissions per person. 

Driving to Fort Lauderdale, Florida would be 1,800 miles. If my vehicle gets 35mpg, which travel method would save carbon emissions and by how much? Assume I am traveling alone.


1 gallon of gas = 20lb of CO2

1kg = 2.2lb

Flying would produce 274.5 kg less CO2.

1800 miles x (1 gallon/35 miles) x (20lbs CO2/1 gallon) x (1 kg/2.2lbs) = 467.6 kg CO2

467.6 kg CO2 - 193 kg CO2 = 274.5 kg CO2
