This motivation for imperialism was driven by the needs of factories industrialized countries and the need for what else?
Raw Materials:
examples: copper, tin, palm oil, guano, iron, coal
Things to make other things
What was the scramble for Africa?
The competition among European powers for colonial territories in Africa
The British call this mid-19th Century South Asia resistance movement a "Mutiny"
The (1857) Sepoy Rebellion
Which was the only country outside of Europe and North America to successfully initiate its own Industrial Revolution?
This place started its imperial experience as a penal colony
This motivation for imperialism was driven by a need to find consumers for products is called what?
What was the Berlin Conference and what did it lead to?
A conference amongst Europeans to set the rules for dividing up Africa and "the Scramble for Africa"
Meiji Restoration
What are export economies?
Those in which the production and export of a limited range of commodities, such as raw materials or agricultural products, dominate the economy.
describe settlement patterns of migrants in new, recieving, societies
Migrants tended to congregate into ethnic enclaves, for example "Chinatown" (examples of which are all over the Pacific Rim)
This motivation for imperialism was marked by fierce competition led by what ideology?
The Opium Wars were fought between who?
China & Britain
Describe the Ghost Dance in 1890
The Ghost Dance of 1890 was a Native American dance meant to bring back ancestors and lost land. The U.S. government saw it as a threat, leading to the Wounded Knee Massacre, where many Lakota people were killed. It is a symbol of Native American hope and resistance.
What was the reason for construction of the Suez Canal?
Facilitate trade between Europe and Asia.
What gender were typical migrants and how did this affect life in their places of origin?
male, this tended to empower women as they took on roles that had been filled by the men.
This motivation for imperialism was driven by European desires to spread their culture and "civilize" the peoples of the world
"white man's burden" and/or desire to spread Christianity
Describe Imperialism in the Congo
Various answers; should discuss King Leopold II, forced labor systems, human rights abuses.
The immediate cause of the Sepoy Mutiny (1857) in India was because of what?
Religious & Cultural insensitivity by the British.
(Sepoy mutiny erupted in May 1857 because of Enfield rifle cartridges which were greased with cow and pig fat)
identify 5 products imperialist often sought in the regions they colonized
Cotton, Rubber, Palm Oil, Diamonds, Guano, tin, copper, iron, coal, pineapple, coffee beans, bananas.
Name locations where Indian migrant labor, especially indentured servants, ended up working.
Caribbean, South America, South Africa, Kenya
This justification for imperialism was a supposedly scientific and based on the idea of the "survival of the fittest" as applied to human societies
Social Darwinism
The "Spanish-American War" (1898) resulted in
The United States acquiring territories in the Pacific and Caribbean
This violent movement in late 19th Century China was directed at both foreigners and the Qing Dynasty that failed to drive them out.
The Boxer Rebellion
Describe Britain's Informal Empire.
Britain's informal empire was a way for the British to exert influence and control over regions and nations that were not formally part of the British Empire. The British used economic power, trade, and military force to achieve this.
identify a specific law demonstrating how receiving countries were often unwelcoming to new migrants.
The Chinese Exclusion acts and/or the "White Australia" policy; its worth noting that even in places where no legal ban was put in place, immigrants are often made to feel unwelcome by social custom many, arguably, most places in the 19th century.