Mountain range that separates European Russian and Siberian/Asian Russia.
Ural Mountains
Is Russia's population older or younger based on the graph?
Older (less younger people in graph)
What the country of Russia was known as from 1917-1991.
The Soviet Union or USSR
People in the Caucasus region identify more with Orthodox Christianity where people in The Stans identify with what religion?
Biome characterized by expansive coniferous evergreen trees.
Boreal Forest/Taiga
The process used by Czars to create unity in Russia....people spoke Russian, practiced Orthodox Christianity, practiced Russian culture.
After WWII many people fled East Europe to West Europe to escape the Communist takeover.
Is this an example of a push or pull factor?
Mountain range that defines the region of Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan.
Caucasus Mountains
What event caused many people around the world to move from rural areas to urban ones?
Greatly impacted settlement patterns in Europe and Asia (where people live)
Industrial Revolution
Oldest lake in world (25 mil)
Deepest lake (5,715 ft.)
Holds ⅕ of all unfrozen freshwater on planet
“Galapagos of Russia”
Lake Baikal
River used for transportation and hydroelectricity in Russia.
Volga River
City in the Ukraine that a nuclear reactor exploded in a nuclear power plant.
What body of water connects Europe and Asia?
Black Sea
effect of extreme variation in temp. and very little precipitation within the interior portions of a landmass
Where Russia, among other countries, have newly discovered oil reserves.
Arctic Circle (Arctic)
Where Russia invaded in 2013 and declared war on in 2022.
Crimea (Crimean Peninsula)/Ukraine
A political and economic system in which the government makes a vast majority of decisions is what?
Traditional housing unit in Central Asia.
After the withdrawal of the Soviet Union from East Europe in 1990, what type of government and economic system to did countries transition to in Eastern Europe:
________ (government type) and _________ (economic system) from communism.
Democracy & Capitalism
Black rich soil found in North European Plain.
Name of the RR that connects all of Russia.
Trans-Siberian RR
After Eastern European countries gained independence from the Soviet Union, new borders drawn based on.....
Many people in Central Asia participate in farming. What type of economic activity is farmin?
- Primary
- Secondary
- Tertiary
- Quaternary
Area of people that are mostly Muslim and want independence from Russia? (Hint: near the Caucasus Mountains)