Natural Selection
Evidence for Evolution

In nature, .......... is a term used to describe how well an organism survives. Normally, you would base this on the amount of offspring an organism has.

A. Fitness

B. Natural Selection

C. Natural Variation

D. Artificial Selection



Change of a species over time is known as

A. Fitness

B. Natural Selection

C. Natural Variation

D. Evolution



Vertebrate embryos exhibit homologous structures during phases of development that become totally different structures in the adult forms. This is known as

A. Comparative anatomy

B. Comparative embryology

C. Fossils

D. Vestigial structures

Comparative embryology


The bug below is showing what type of adaptation?



Describe the Peppered Moths scenario. What happened? Which one was selected for prior to the event and which one was selected for afterwards?

Industrial revolution

White moths

Dark moths


A giraffe has a long neck and tongue to be able to reach the Acacia leaves in the tall trees. Lamarck believed this was caused by them stretching their necks to reach the leaves, over time causing them to have longer necks. What is actually the cause?

Natural selection, evolution

Over time, a random mutation caused giraffes to have a  longer neck. This allowed them to reach more food and be more successful at reproduction. The trait for a longer neck was passed down until all of the individuals had a longer neck.


What structures can be used for the same purpose and be superficially similar in construction, but are not inherited from a common ancestor?

A. Homologous structures

B. Analogous structures

C. Fossils

D. Vestigial structures



Golden Ticket!!

You just get points, congrats!


A green anole (a species of lizard) has to compete for space, water, and food while also trying to avoid predators and reproduce. What is this known as?

A. The struggle for existence

B. Natural Selection

C. Natural Variation

D. Artificial Selection

The struggle for existence


Within a species, there are many differences among the individuals. What is this known as?

Natural Variation


What type of structures are being shown in the image below?

A. Homologous structures

B. Analogous structures

C. Fossils

D. Vestigial structures



Which adaptation is this owl exhibiting?



What did Darwin notice about the Galapagos Tortoises on the islands with rich vegetation?

What did he notice on islands with sparse vegetation?

Dome shell, short necks and legs

Saddle-backed shell, long neck and legs


Explain what happened with the rock pocket mice. 

Where could you find dark mice? Light mice? What caused the differences?

Dark mice on lava flows, light mice on sand. A random mutation caused a darker fur color.


"Both whales and dolphins have pelvic (hip) bones, evolutionary remnants from when their ancestors walked on land more than 40 million years ago."

The excerpt above is describing a 

A. Homologous structures

B. Analogous structures

C. Fossils

D. Vestigial structures

Vestigial structure


What would happen if there was no variation in a species?

They would go extinct if their environment changed or if they came in contact with a disease they weren't protected from.


As we learned in the video, tigers are orange with black stripes because the species of deer they primarily eat do not have the color receptors to be able to distinguish orange and green-causing the cats to appear gray like the surrounding foliage. However, if this same tiger was placed in an environment in the desert it would not be fit enough to survive the intense heat. 

What is this known as?

A. Survival of the fittest

B. Natural Selection

C. Natural Variation

D. Artificial Selection

Survival of the fittest


"While there are many edible plants that can be foraged in the wild (i.e. asparagus, berries, onions, etc.), broccoli is not one of them.  Broccoli is in fact a human invention.  It is not known exactly how many years ago broccoli was created, but it is believed that early varieties of this plant were cultivated in the Mediterranean region during the Roman Empire in the 6th century BCE."

The excerpt above is showing an example of how humans choose the desirable traits instead of nature. What is this known as?  

A. Fitness

B. Natural Selection

C. Natural Variation

D. Artificial Selection

Artificial selection


Explain how the fossil record shows evidence of evolution.

  • Fossils show modern species resemble ancient species. 

  • They also reveal that some species have changed very little. 

  • The fossil record is an important source of information for determining the ancestry of organisms and the patterns of evolution. 


Explain why you need to finish all of the antibiotics if you have a bacterial infection.

Natural variation causes some of the bacteria to be more resistant to the antibiotic. If you do not finish the prescription, you are only leaving the stronger bacteria to survive and reproduce. This eventually causes certain antibiotics to not be an effective treatment.
