The policy that helped various motives establishing overseas empires.
What is imperialism.
This term is imperialism this would lead to conflicts in Asia and a scramble to colonize Africa.
The sepoys are.
What is Indian Soldiers.
They are soldiers of India but they are under British rule and employed by that British.
What technological developments affected transportation and communication?
What is railroads, steamships, and the telegraph.
The Industrial Revolution affected transportation and communication by causing the development of these technological improvements that benefited transporting people and goods faster and safer.
An effect of imperialism which many workers came to american and other parts of the world for jobs.
What is migration
Migration was another effect of imperialism because imperialism such as the US relied on immigrant labor to work in fields and factories.
Countries competing against each other, to determine which one is the best.
What is competition
All countries around the world wanted to prove that they were the best out of all of them, and one way they did so was by proving how wealthy they were. This is why countries kept colonizing for resources, so they could make more items to sell and prove the were the best.
Who was at the top of economic power throughout the first half of the 19th century
What is Britain.
This was Britain due to the New imperialism after the industrial revolution and the Napoleonic Wars.
What led to the Indian Rebellion of 1857?
What is threat of religion?
This was because there sepoys were Hindus and Muslims and they were using rifles with beef and pork cartilages and they didn't know. This was threatening there religion because it made them think the British wanted them to become Christian and move away from Hinduism and Muslim.
What are cash crops?
What is crops that were grown for economic values, instead of for food.
When Europe came into Asia and Africa, they saw the agricultural resources, such as cotton, tea, sugar, rubber, etc. They decided to use raw materials to produce products to sell, and when they took control of territory in Asia and Africa, they forced the people of those territories to grow cash crops instead of growing crops for food.
Another effect of imperialism where people worked for a set number of years in order to pay off debt, transportation or any other expenses.
what is indentured servitude
People became indentured servants as a way to pay off their transportation. They would use their money to send back to their families.
Using resources to create products to sell.
What is industrialization
Countries would colonize to use the resources (such as cotton, rubber, wheat, etc.) to produce products to sell, and make their country wealthier.
Charles Darwin's theory in the 19th century was?
What is evolution and natural selection
This is the theory of evolution by natural selection this stated that over millions of years biological competition had grown. The weaker a spices was the worse in for the environment.
What is the Indian Removal Act.
After figuring out what gold was in 1829 on Cherokee land in Georgia attempts to force the Cherokees off their land.
Who was A man that started out working on a cotton farm, then ended up forming the De Beers Mining Company?
Who is Cecil Rhodes
Cecil Rhodes began by working on a cotton farm with his brother in South Africa in 1870. In 1871, the two joined the diamond rush at the center of mining activity in Kimberly. Years later after receiving a degree from Oxford University, Rhode gained De Beers mining claims and formed the De Beers Mining Company, which was considered for 90% of the world’s diamond production.
This continued after the abolishment of a type of trade.
What is slavery
Slavery continued in the United states. Slavery increased after the abolishment because they still needed laborers for factories and fields. Although it was soon abolished but, labor was still desired so imperial countries turned to coerced labor.
People from different countries spreading their religion and culture to other territories.
What are missionaries
Countries also colonized countries as a way to spread their culture and religion, because they thought that their religion was the best to follow and tried to force their religion on the people of those colonies.
After loosing the American colonies Britain look for a new land to open a settlement in 1788.
What is New South Whales
This was a colony of New South whales on the east coast of the island continent of New Holland. Which is now today's Australia.
What transferred the control or the Philippines from Spain to the United States?
This ended the Spanish-American war and led to there being less fighting over land between American and Spain.
A raw material made from latex sap of trees or vines from the Amazon rain forest in South America, and was also useful in many ways?
What is rubber?
Rubber was from latex sap of trees or vines from the Amazon rainforest in South America. Charles Goodyear created a process called vulcanization to eliminate the problems of rubber, like it softening when warm and hardening when cold, and this helped modern rubber industries in producing products from rubber. Rubber has been used to produce hoses, gaskets, waterproof clothing, bicycles (eventually automobiles), and other items.
A country with with pro-migration policies and offered better wages.
what is Argentina.
Argentina was a place where many people wanted to travel to. Due to people dept due to imperialism they migrated to Argentina where they had better jobs and got more money to pay off debt. They also traveled there to escape poverty.
The identification of a person’s nation or country and to show the interest of that nation or country.
What is Nationalism
Countries wanted to show their national identity around the world so Britain traveled to Europe, Asia and the Americas in hopes to expand their country. European nationalism expanded leading to more European countries wanting to expand. Nationalism soon led to imperialism.
Some missionaries most famously David Livingstone from Scotland worked in.
What is Sub-Saharan Africa
He worked he because he wanted to end the illegal slave trade.
Who led a group of warriors to establish a powerful kingdom in Guinea?
Who is Samory Toure.
He was the protector and the person who led the people of west Africa.
A lack of agricultural diversity in developing nations?
What were mono cultures
In some nations, farmers were only allowed to produce cash crops, such as sugar, groundnuts, and cocoa, with the cost of other agricultural products. This led to nations not having the fertility, land, and other resources available in order to grow crops, and this caused them to often have to import basic agricultural goods in order to feed their people.
An island in the pacific ocean that served as a penal colony for convicts and political prisoners.
What is Devil's island
Anyone who didn't not follow the Europeans in their ideas was sent there for their wrongdoing.
A theory about society that proved the biological superiority of whites.
What is Social Darwinism
Charles Darwin came up with the idea of social darwinisms. He believed that males were above all other people in the world. Writers used this idea to justify further imperialism by powerful countries.