Where is Onigiri from?
Onigiri is from______.
Onigiri is from Japan.
Where is Ms. Nada from? (県)
She is from ______.
She is from Osaka.
Where is くまモン from? (県)
He is from_______.
He is from Kumamoto.
Where is volleyball from?(国)
Volleyball is from_____.
Volleyball is from the USA.
Where is 聖徳太子 from? (時代)
He is from _______ .
He is from Asuka(飛鳥) period.
Where is Tofu(豆腐) from?
Tofu is from_____ .
Tofu is from China.
Where is Mr. Nabata from? (県)
He is from ______.
He is from Gifu.
Where is ヒカキン from? (県)
He is from_______.
He is from Niigata.
Where is badminton from?
Badminton is from_____.
Badminton is from the UK.
Where is ペリー from? (時代)
He is from_______.
He is from Edo period.
Where is キャラメル from? (国または地域)
キャラメル is from___.
キャラメル is from Greece .(またはアラビア地方)
Where is Mr. Kanno from?(国)
He is from ______.
He is from Fukushima.
Where is ボブサップ from? (国)
He is from_________.
He is from the USA.
Where is インラインスケート from?
インラインスケート is from________.
インラインスケート is from Netherlands.
Where is 歌川広重 from? (時代)
He is from ________.
He is from the Edo period.
Where is たらたらしてんじゃねーよ from?(県)
たらたらしてんじゃねーよ is from____.
たらたらしてんじゃねーよis from .
Where is Ms. Kinoshita from? (県)
She is from_____.
She is from Kanagawa.
Where is Hello Kitty from? (国)
She is from_________.
She is from the UK.
Where is アーチェリー from?
アーチェリー is from______.
アーチェリー is from the UK.
Where is 卑弥呼 from? (時代)
She is from ______.
She is from Yayoi period.
Where is サンバル from? (国)ヒント 香辛
サンバル is from____.
サンバル is from Indonesia.
Where is Mr. Kabaya Principle from?(動物園)
He is from_______.
He is from Ueno Zoo.
Where is サニブラウン・アブデルハキームfrom?(県)
He is from________.
He is from Tokyo.
Where is ボッチャfrom?
ボッチャ is from_____.
ボチャ is from Italy.
Where is 豊臣秀吉 from? (時代)
He is from _______ period.
He is from the Azuchi-Momoyama 安土桃山 period.