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A photographer stores digital photographs on her computer. In this case the photographs are considered the data. Each photograph also includes multiple pieces of metadata including:

Date: The date the photograph was taken

Time: The time the photograph was taken

Location: The location where the photograph was taken

Device: Which camera the photo was taken with

Which of the following could the photographer NOT do based on this metadata?

 A.   Filter photos to those taken in the last week

 B.   Filter photos to those taken in a particular country

C.   Filter photos to those taken of buildings

 D.   Filter photos to those taken with her favorite camera

C.   Filter photos to those taken of buildings


Which of the following conclusions is BEST supported by the histogram chart?

 A.   More than half of all states are larger than 100,000 square miles

 B.   More than half of all states are smaller than 50,000 square miles

 C.   Some states are larger than 200,000 square miles

D.   The most common size of states is between 50,000 and 100,000 square miles

D.   The most common size of states is between 50,000 and 100,000 square miles


 A process that makes the data uniform without changing its meaning (e.g., replacing all equivalent abbreviations, spellings, and capitalizations with the same word). 

Cleaning Data


scientific research conducted in whole or part by distributed individuals, many of whom may not be scientists, who contribute relevant data to research using their own computing devices.

Citizen Science:


What does, "slay" mean?

A. Refers to what a butcher does

B. It's what those smelly reindeer pull

C. to do something well/to impress

D. small Lay's chips, usually mini in stature.


This question refers to the same collection of photos and their metadata described in the previous question.

Due to a computer error, the Time metadata for all of the photographs is accidentally set to the same time of day. The other pieces of metadata and the data itself are not affected by the error. Which of the following is MOST likely to be the result of this problem?

 A.   The photographer will not be able to view any of the images

 B.   The photographer will not be able to sort images by the date they were taken

 C.   The photographer will not be able to filter to photographs taken in the morning

 D.   The photographer will not be able to find images taken on the same date 

C.   The photographer will not be able to filter to photographs taken in the morning 


.A bank is developing an algorithm that will help them decide who to make loans to. As input the algorithm will consider information about the person applying for the loan and the amount of money requested, and as output the algorithm will decide whether the bank should give that loan.

The bank intends to develop the algorithm using machine learning techniques. The algorithm will be trained using data from past loan decisions made by human bankers.

Which of the following best describes whether this algorithm will include bias?

 A.   The algorithm will not be biased because using machine learning eliminates human biases

 B.   While the algorithm may be biased, the eventual decision made by the algorithm will not be

 C.   The algorithm will likely reflect the human biases in the data used to train it

 D.   Machine learning algorithms cannot be developed using biased data so if there is bias in the data it will be impossible to develop the algorithm

 C.   The algorithm will likely reflect the human biases in the data used to train it 


data about data



a relationship between two pieces of data, typically referring to the amount that one varies in relation to the other.



What does the word, "GOAT" mean?

A. It is a vegetable, similar to a sweet potato

B. The next up and comming viral rapper

C. To put a curse on your enemies by turning them into a farm animal

D. Greatest of all time


A school is conducting a survey of students to learn more about how they get to school. Students were asked how they travel to school, how long it takes them to get to school, what time they arrive at school, and for a description of their most significant challenges when traveling to school. Several rows of the data collected are shown in the table below.

Which column is data that will likely be most difficult to visualize or analyze?

Student ID    How Travel    How Long    Time Arrive 

738192    Car    10 minutes    7:30 am    None

781401    Car    20 minutes    7:45 am    

72001    Car    .5 hours    7:40 am    

74012    Bus    10-20 minutes    7:35 am    Sister 

75441    Walk    1 hour    7:30 am    

73109    Walk    20 mins    7:45 am    

76120    Bus    twenty minutes    7:35 am    

73012    Car    15 min    7:20 am    Waking up!

 A.   How Travel

 B.   How Long

 C.   Time Arrive

 D.   Biggest Challenges

 D.   Biggest Challenges


A restaurant is interested in learning about the food preferences of people living nearby to the restaurant and intends to use survey data to help decide which new items to add to the menu. Which of the following is LEAST likely to be part of the process used to analyze the data?

 A.   Cleaning a data visualization to remove unwanted patterns

 B.   Iteratively creating visualizations to ask and answer new questions

 C.   Cleaning data to remove inconsistencies

 D.   Filtering the data to look at the responses from only certain groups

A.   Cleaning a data visualization to remove unwanted patterns


the practice of obtaining input or information from a large number of people via the



the collection of facts and patterns extracted from data



What does the term, "Hits different" mean?

A. The unique way something quenches a desire

B. Rock'em sock'em Robots

C. Refers to a slap instead of a punch in a fight. "Why are their Hits different?"


The mayor of a city is interested in learning what goals are most important for residents of the city. Members of her staff visit one of the many neighborhoods in the city and ask 20 residents to fill out a survey. The mayor is concerned that the survey may be biased and not accurately reflect the overall interests in her town. Which of the following strategies is MOST likely to address concerns about the data being biased or inaccurate

 A.   Finding the same people surveyed previously to ask more detailed questions.

 B.   Visiting the same neighborhood to collect more survey responses

 C.   Visiting multiple new neighborhoods to collect more survey responses

 D.   Having her staff collect the data using an app rather than paper surveys 

 C.   Visiting multiple new neighborhoods to collect more survey responses 


A researcher is interested in learning more about the different kinds of plants growing in different areas of the state she lives in. The researcher creates an app that allows residents of the town to photograph plants in their area using a smartphone and record date, time, and location of the photograph. Afterwards the researcher will analyze the data to try to determine where different kinds of plants grow in the state.

Which of the following does this situation best demonstrate?

A.   Citizen science

 B.   Crowdfunding

 C.   Open data

 D.   Machine Learning

A.   Citizen science


data that does not accurately reflect the full population or phenomenon being studied

Data bias:


 This is a command that executes the code within a function.

Function Call


What does the term, "Let them cook" mean?

A. a description of a character on a T.V. show about a teacher, "Breaking Bad."

B. When a parent is cooking dinner and the kids keep interrupting

C. Give one space to proceed uninterrupted (especially when saying or doing something provocative) in the hope that the result might be entertaining 


In which of the following situations would parallel systems MOST likely be used to help analyze data?

 A.   Data analysis involving two or more columns of data

 B.   Data analysis involving both string and numeric data

C.   Data analysis involving large datasets

 D.   Data analysis that could result in two or more different types of visualizations 

C.   Data analysis involving large datasets


A town decides to publicize data it has collected about electricity usage around the city. The data is freely available for all to use and analyze in the hopes that it is possible to identify more efficient energy usage strategies.

Which of the following does this situation best demonstrate?

 A.   Citizen science

 B.   Crowdfunding

 C.   Open data

 D.   Machine Learning 

 C.   Open data 


choosing a smaller subset of a data set to use for analysis, for example by eliminating / keeping only certain rows in a table 

Data filtering:


This is a named reference to a value that can be used repeatedly throughout a program.



What does the word, "Shook" mean?

A. How you feel after getting off a ride at an amusement park

B. To be shocked, surprised, or bothered. 

C. When someone is acting like they need to be shaken to bring them back to reality.

D. How James Bond likes his drinks.
