Early Cold War
Late Cold War
Truman's Presidency
Eisenhower's Presidency

Winston Churchill used this term to describe the separation between communist countries and democratic countries in Europe

What is the Iron Curtain?


This conflict started in Asia over the spread of Communism after WWII

What is the Korean War?


Because of the division in the Democratic party during the Cold War, President Truman had to run against this many people in the 1948 election

What is 3?


Eisenhower heavily utilized this government agency to disrupt and even overthrow governments of hostile countries

What is the CIA?


This woman recently became the all time leading scorer for both men and women in NCAA college basketball

Who is Caitlin Clark?


This was a strange result when the allied powers agreed to split Germany and Berlin in 4 sections

What is Berlin was in the Soviet section of Germany?


This friendly cartoon taught and reminded kids in school what to do in case there was a Nuclear attack on the United States

Who is Bert the Turtle?


Truman famously fired this American general after the general publicly critized the actions of the president in regards to the Korean War

Who is Douglas MacArthur?


Eisenhower's willingness to use Nuclear weapons rather than traditional fighting became know as this

What is brinkmanship/ massive retaliation? 


This woman holds the record for Grammys won by a female artist

Who is Beyonce?


American diplomat George Kennan wrote this message to the United States urging containment of Communist ideas 

What is the Long Telegram?


Shockingly, this once major ally of the United States had a Communist revolution that was completed in October of 1949

What is China?

Although highly controversial, President Truman established this in 1947 to screen all federal employees

What is the loyalty review program?


Arguably the most significant thing Eisenhower was able to accomplish was the passing of this act, which allowed for 40,000 miles of interstate highways to be built across America

What is the Federal Highway Act?


This woman is best known for her smash hit "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" 

Who is Cyndi Lauper?


This meeting between the allied powers at the end of WWII played an important role in the start of the Cold War

What is the Yalta Conference?


This idea took its name from a US senator, and was known for a harsh persecution of Communists in the United States

What is McCarthyism?


During Truman's presidency, Congress passed this act which severely weakened unions across the nation

What is the Taft-Hartley Act?


A supporter of both conservative spending and activism socially, Eisenhower used this term to describe his politics

What is Dynamic Conservatism?

This woman is the most recent Oscar winner for best actress 

Who is Emma Stone?


These two American plans went hand in hand when trying to keep European countries from turning towards Communism after World War II

What are the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan? 


In 1953, the CIA was able to obtain a secret speech from this soviet leader bashing Joseph Stalin and distributed it across the communist countries starting several uprisings

Who is Nikita Khrushchev 


One of Truman's major goals that he was able to accomplish was raising the minimum wage to this 

What is 75 cents an hour?


A planned peace summit between Eisenhower and the Soviets could have brought the Cold War to an early end, but then this happened

What is the Soviets shot down an American U2 spy plane?


This woman holds the record for most held WWE championships out of any woman in history

Who is Charlotte Flair?
