This term describes the ongoing debate about whether genetics or environment has a greater influence on human development.
What is "nature vs. nurture"?
This type of study compares people of different ages at the same point in time.
What is "cross-sectional"?
This psychologist proposed four stages of cognitive development.
Who is "Jean Piaget"?
This researcher developed the Strange Situation procedure to study attachment in infants.
Who is "Mary Ainsworth"?
This type of intelligence, involving accumulated knowledge, generally remains stable or improves with age.
What is "crystallized intelligence"?
This type of development includes changes in thinking, memory, problem-solving, and language.
What is "cognitive development"?
This type of study observes the same individuals repeatedly over many years.
What is "longitudinal"?
According to Kohlberg, moral reasoning based on avoiding punishment falls into this level of morality.
What is "preconventional morality"?
This type of attachment is shown by babies who explore their environment but seek comfort upon caregiver’s return.
What is "secure attachment"?
A disease characterized by memory loss and cognitive decline, often associated with aging.
What is "Alzheimer’s disease"?
This type of development describes how our interactions and relationships with others change over time.
What is "social development"?
In Harlow’s experiments, baby monkeys ran to the cloth mother when frightened, demonstrating attachment based on this.
What is "comfort (or security)"?
During Piaget's concrete operational stage, children begin to master this skill, understanding that quantity remains constant despite appearance changes.
What is "conservation"?
This parenting style involves strict rules with little warmth or explanation.
What is "authoritarian parenting"?
This type of culture emphasizes personal goals, individual achievement, and independence.
What is an "individualistic culture"?
These harmful substances, such as alcohol or viruses, can disrupt prenatal development.
What are "teratogens"?
Mary Ainsworth used this famous observational method to assess attachment styles.
What is the "Strange Situation"?
Piaget’s final stage of cognitive development, characterized by abstract and hypothetical thinking.
What is "formal operational"?
Parents who set clear rules but provide warmth, communication, and flexibility are practicing this parenting style.
What is "authoritative parenting"?
In collectivist cultures, this is typically prioritized over individual goals.
What is "group harmony (or family loyalty)"?
This refers to an infant’s understanding that objects continue to exist even when out of sight.
What is "object permanence"?
Lawrence Kohlberg presented moral dilemmas, such as this famous story, to study moral reasoning.
What is the "Heinz dilemma"?
The crisis faced by adults in Erikson’s psychosocial stage characterized by forming meaningful, close relationships.
What is "intimacy vs. isolation"?
Harry Harlow’s monkey studies showed that emotional comfort is more crucial for attachment than this basic need.
What is "nourishment (or food)"?
This cognitive ability, such as problem-solving and quick thinking, typically declines with age.
What is "fluid intelligence"?
A newborn’s reflexive behavior, such as automatically turning their head when touched on the cheek, is called this.
What is the "rooting reflex"?
This classic study researched psychological debate between nature and nurture.
What is the Minnesota Twin Study?
This is Erikson's developmental stage where teenagers explore personal identity and roles.
What is "identity vs. role confusion"?
Parents who are emotionally distant, uninvolved, and provide minimal guidance demonstrate this parenting style.
What is "neglectful/uninvolved parenting"?
Engaging in activities like puzzles, reading, and socializing helps preserve this in older adults.
What is "cognitive health"?
When the sole of a newborn's foot is gently stroked, the toes fan outward in this innate reflex.
What is the Babinski reflex?
This well-known longitudinal study tracked Harvard graduates for over 75 years, investigating happiness and longevity.
What is the "Grant Study"?
Children who have difficulty understanding that others have different viewpoints are exhibiting this characteristic from Piaget's preoperational stage.
What is "egocentrism"?
Children raised by permissive parents often struggle with this type of self-control.
What is "impulse control"?
In many traditional cultures, these societal norms often strictly define male and female behaviors and roles.
What are "gender roles"?