A government that is ruled by a king or queen who possesses absolute or total control
What is an absolute monarch? OR What is absolutism?
John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, Charles-Louis Montesquieu, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Voltaire, Mary Wollstonecraft
Who are Thinkers of the Enlightenment?
An overthrow and replacement/change of a government or political system by the people governed
What is a revolution?
Decline of Absolutism, Rise of Democracy, creation of new documents, inspiration of revolutions etc.
What are the Impacts of the Enlightenment?
Chicago Cubs, Chicago Blackhawks, Chicago Bulls, Chicago Bears
What are Mr. Yeazell's favorite sports teams?
belief that a higher power handpicked the ruler to serve their will on Earth
What is Divine Right Theory?
life, liberty, property, and the freedom to find happiness.
What are natural rights?
King George was a believer in absolutism. This led his colonists to start this event
What is the American revolution?
American Documents that were heavily inspired by Enlightenment Thinkers
What is the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution?
Illinois State University
What is Mr. Yeazell's college?
Efficiency, Stability, and Wealth
What are the Strengths of Absolutism?
citizens give up some freedom they would have in a state of nature (like the freedom to rob and kill people), and in exchange the government protects citizens’ right to life, liberty, and property.
What is Social Contract Theory?
Social Inequality, Politically Weak Leadership, Economic Crisis, Enlightenment Ideas
What are the causes of the French Revolution?
English legal charter that protected the rights of individuals while limiting the power held by the government. Also served as a model for the United States Bill of Rights.
What is the English Bill of Rights?
What is Mr. Yeazell's favorite game of all-time?
Very Undemocratic, Limited Individual Rights, Too much stability
What are the Weaknesses of Absolutism?
If a government failed, then citizens would no longer agree to be governed and they would have the right to revolt.
What is consent of the governed?
This event was inspired by events in the French Revolution
What is the Haitian Revolution?
These two events happening in 1776 and 1789 were heavily inspired by the Enlightenment
What are the American and French Revolutions?
October 31st, 2001
What is Mr. Yeazell's Birthday?
Decline of Feudalism, Decline of Catholic Church, and Growth of the Middle Class
What are the Causes of Absolutism?
the idea that a country’s leader should be chosen by the citizens in a general election.
What is Republicanism?
"Independence", paying reparations to France, poor economy, in debt for 122 years
What are the effects of the Haitian Revolution?
This document, created during the French Revolution, established civil liberties and attempted to preserve the rights and freedoms of its citizens.
What is the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen?
Cymbals then Bass Drum
What are the instruments Mr. Yeazell played in college marching band?