An agreement between individuals and their government about rights in society.
What is the/a social contract?
James I of England struggled with Parliament because he believed in this idea.
What is the divine right of kings?
Both Thomas Hobbes and John Locke believed in...
A political system where a single ruler has absolute power.
What is absolutism?
This Enlightenment thinker is often called the “Father of Economics”.
Who is Adam Smith?
The belief that the ruler gets his/her power from God and not their subjects.
What is the divine right of kings?
This group supported Charles I during the English Civil War. Also the name of the number 1 seed in NBA's Eastern Conference.
Who are the Cavaliers?
He supported absolute monarchs in Europe.
Who is Hobbes?
King Louis XIV was an absolute monarch from this nation.
What is France?
This Enlightenment figure wrote Discourse on the Origins of the Inequality of Mankind and The Social Contract.
Who is Rousseau?
The rights to life, liberty, and property
What are natural rights?
This group supported Parliament and was led by Oliver Cromwell.
Who are the Roundheads?
His arguments were used in the 18th Century to support demands for constitutional government.
Who is Locke?
Peter the Great was an absolute monarch from this nation.
What is Russia?
This Enlightenment figure wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Women and claimed women should have equal rights.
Who is Mary Wollstonecraft?
A principle of government, branches limit and control each other through a system of checks and balances.
What is separation of powers?
Charles II becoming the King of England is known as this event.
What is the Restoration?
He believed people are inherently savages, and can’t be trusted in decision making as a group.
Who is Hobbes?
This couple ended the reign of absolute monarchs in England. They turned England's government into a Constitutional Monarchy.
Who are William and Mary?
This idea of Montesquieu has been incorporated into the US Constitution.
What is separation of powers?
The concept that the state should not impose government regulations but should leave the economy alone.
What is laissez-faire?
This document ended absolutism in England and formed their government into a Constitutional Monarchy in 1689.
What is the English Bill of Rights?
Locke believed every person had the right to these three natural rights.
What is life, liberty, and owning property.
Fredrick William/Fredrick the Great was an absolute monarch from which former nation?
What is Prussia?
This Enlightenment thinker curated Encyclopedia and spread enlightenment ideas around the world.