When a company releases a new product.
comes out with
To speak ill of someone or something
A person who has speaks a language fluently is a...
Native speaker
A language that unites groups of people who speak different languages
Lingua franca
To distinguish between two things
To tell the difference
To mention something
To bring something up
To help someone out with something
To do someone a favor
To be able to properly do something at a decent level
Unable to be recognized
Language that is not formal
To cancel
To call off
To try your hardest to do something well
To do your best
Something that is able to be recognized
To yell at someone
To tell someone off
To give a reason why you cannot do something
To make an excuse
To help someone out
To read, write, listen or speak without any issues
Short notice
If you see someone or something and you know what it is
To be able to understand a large concept
To get your head around/to wrap your head around
To feel tired and like you have no energy left
To be exhausted
To dispose of, to no longer have something
To get rid of
To convince someone not to do something
To talk someone out of something
Come to the rescue
If you call someone on the phone and they do not answer, you can do this
Take a message