Intersecting Lines
Transversals and Parallel Lines
Perpendicular Bisectors
Triangle Congruencies
Find y and name the angle pair
What is y = 9 and Vertical Angles?
Name the angle relationship between the given angle and ∠4. Solve for ∠4.
What is Alternate Exterior Angles and m∠4 = 65?
If m∠ACP = 48, find the m∠CBP.
What is m∠CBP = 42?
Name the triangle congruence property that makes the pair of triangles congruent. If there is not enough information write NEI. Be sure to mark your picture!!
What is SAS (Make sure to label the vertical angles in the picture)?
Find q and m∠ABD
What is q = 22 and m∠ABD = 108?
Name the angle relationship between the two given angles and solve for x.
What is Same-Side Interior Angles and x = 35?
If AC = 13 and CP = 12, find BP.
What is BP = 5?
Name the triangle congruence property that makes the pair of triangles congruent. If there is not enough information write NEI. Be sure to mark your picture!!
What is SSS (Make sure to label the reflexive property in the picture)?
Find x and y
What is x = 38 and y = 25?
Name all the angles supplementary to ∠5 and name each pair.
What is ∠3 (Same-Side Interior), ∠6 (Linear Pair), ∠7 (Linear Pair), and ∠2 (No angle relationship name, but it is vertical with ∠3)?
Name the triangle congruence property that makes the pair of triangles congruent. If there is not enough information write NEI. Be sure to mark your picture!!
What is HL?
Tell whether lines m and n are parallel from the given information. If they are, state your reasoning.
Given: m∠3 = 2x + 5, m∠5 = 3x + 10, and x = 33
What is lines m and n are parallel because ∠3 and ∠5 are same-side interior angles and they add up to 180 (71 + 109 = 180)?
Name the triangle congruence property that makes the pair of triangles congruent. If there is not enough information write NEI. Be sure to mark your picture!!
What is NEI (SSA is not one of the triangle congruences)?
Name the triangle congruence property that makes the pair of triangles congruent. If there is not enough information write NEI. Be sure to mark your picture!!
What is ASA (Make sure to label vertical angles in the picture)?