Should you consider the cost of college when deciding whether to pursue a degree or go into the workforce?
What is one reason going into the workforce might be right for you?
Answer will vary.
Ex: On the job experience is sufficient for your career, a full time job offers financial stability, working can meet personal & professional goals
Is dental hygiene a trade school program?
What is an Activity Duty LES?
Leave and Earnings Statement
How can taking a gap year to travel abroad benefit your future career?
Learning a second language or understanding a different culture can expand both hard and soft employability skills.
Are 4-year degrees required for all successful careers?
Learned abilities and knowledge necessary to complete a job successfully.
Do trade school programs take as long to complete as bachelor degrees?
What is the newest branch of the military?
Space Force
How can working for one year before starting college be beneficial?
Earning income and saving a substantial amount can help you pay college expenses ahead rather than having to take on student loan debt.
Military, Workforce, Associate Degree, Trade/Vocational School, Apprenticeship, Professional Certification, Gap Year
Define: soft employability skills
Personal attributes that help you work well with others and fit in the workplace.
Is an apprenticeship a paid or unpaid position?
What items should you bring to the MEPS?
social security card, birth certificate, driver's iicense, eye glasses or contacts
What is a primary purpose of taking a gap year between high school and college?
Answers will vary.
Ex: Personal growth, life experience, world travel experience, saving money
How long does an associate degree typically take?
Two Years
Give 1 example of a hard employability skill & 1 soft employability skill
Hard: Data Entry, Forklift Driver, Medical Coding, Foreign Language Fluency, Accounting Knowledge
Soft: Effective Communication, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Adaptability, Time Management, Team Focus
T or F. The primary purpose of am apprentice program is to learn a second language?
What are all of the branches of the military?
Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Space Force
Do all students who take a gap year return to college?
No, a productive gap year requires the student to be disciplined and have a plan for returning to school.
How do you calculate return on college investment?
Compare the cost of college to expected future earnings.
Does going straight to the workforce guarantee earlier retirement? Explain.
No, wages earned throughout the career and investment in retirement plans has more of an impact.
Define: Trade School
A post-secondary educational institution that provides hands-on training specific to a career. The focus is on practical job skills rather than academic subjects.
Which two branches of the military have 10-week basic trainings?
Army & Navy
Define: gap year
A period of time dedicated to personal growth and exploration between a student's high school graduation and first year of college.