turning the joint.
exercises that put a joint through its full arc of motion.
range of motion (ROM)
care given after rehabilitation to maintain a person’s function and increase independence.
restorative care
the act of moving or walking, with or without an assistive device.
only to be used once and then discarded.
straightening a body part
exercises to put a joint through its full arc of motion that are done by a resident himself, without help
active range of motion (AROM)
care that is managed by professionals to restore a person to the highest possible level of functioning after an illness or injury.
moving a person as a unit, without disturbing the alignment of the body
a bed made while a person is in the bed.
occupied bed
bending a body part.
exercises to put a joint through its full arc of motion that are done by a resident with some assistance from a staff member.
active assisted range of motion (AAROM)
doctors who specialize in rehabilitation
rubbing or friction resulting from the skin moving one way and the bone underneath it remaining fixed or moving in the opposite direction.
an extra sheet placed on top of the bottom sheet; used for moving residents.
draw sheet
moving a body part toward the midline of the body
exercises to put a joint through its full arc of motion that are done by a staff member, without the resident’s help
passive range of motion (PROM)
special equipment that helps a person who is ill or disabled perform activities of daily living.
assistive devices
to sit up with the legs hanging over the side of the bed in order to regain balance.
a bed made with linen folded down to the foot of the bed.
open bed
bending backward.
weakness of muscles in the feet and ankles that interferes with the ability to flex the ankles and walk normally
foot drop
devices applied externally to limbs to support, protect, improve function, and prevent complications.
orthotic devices
a belt made of canvas or other heavy material used to help people who are weak, unsteady, or uncoordinated to stand, sit, or walk.
transfer belt
bed made so that a person can easily move onto it from a stretcher.
surgical bed