
What does it mean if something is repealed? For example, the Stamp Act was repealed.

Repeal means to be canceled/taken back. Kind of like, "nevermind"


True or false:

The colonists were patriots. The parliament were British/Loyalists. 



Where does the comma go in this sentence?

We gained our independence from Great Britain on July 4 1776.

We gained our independence from Great Britain on July 4, 1776.

(dates get commas between the day and year)





What is Mrs. Persons' baby's name?



What is sequence of events?

When the events are in order in which they happened. 


Why were the colonists mad at King George III?

Were the British mad at the King too?

Because he taxed them without their permission or vote, to help pay for the British's war. 

However, the British loved the King and respected him and his laws.


Where do the commas go?

Glass lead paper and tea were all imported items that were taxed because of the Townshend Acts.

Glass, lead, paper, and tea were all imported items that were taxed because of the Townshend Acts.

(You need commas when listing things)


What is a synonym for the word "impolite"?



What is the difference between fiction and nonfiction? Prove your answer using the reader as evidence.

Fiction is fake, but nonfiction is real information. Chapters 1-7 were all nonfiction because they told us the sequence of events that happened during the American Revolution. Chapters 8 and 9 were fictional because they talked about a headless horseman attacking a teacher, and dwarfs tricking a man by fast forwarding his life 20 years.


What is main idea/central idea?

Main idea/central idea is what the story is mostly about.


Who was an important colonist/patriot during the American Revolution? Why were they important?

George Washington - was the Commander of the continental army and helped them win

Thomas Jefferson - author of the Declaration of Independence 

Benjamin Franklin - helped the colonists/patriots by standing up to the British parliament

Thomas Paine - wrote "Common Sense" to help convince colonists to gain freedom from British 


Insert punctuation and quotation marks where they are needed.

Give me liberty or give me death said Patrick Henry

"Give me liberty or give me death," said Patrick Henry.


When I am stressed, I inhale deeply, then I ______ to release my big breath.



What is a reading strategy you use? Tell me 2 different ones.

Reread the text

Text code

Read the questions before the passage

Eliminate choices

Highlight key words

Determine importance while reading

Look back at page and paragraph numbers when a question is asking about a certain one

Double check answers before submitting


What was the Declaration of Independence? Why is it so important?

The Declaration of Independence is our country's most important historical document because it declared our freedom from the British and their King. It helped us gain our independence, which is how we became the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

What would America look like today if we never gained independence from Great Britain?

We may still be ran by a King and have no freedom of speech. We couldn't vote on government and laws. We would be bossed around by the British.


Use correct punctuation and quotation marks for this sentence:

The text states On December 16 1773, the Boston Tea Party occurred

The text states, "On December 16, 1773, the Boston Tea Party occurred."


What is the difference between possible and impossible? 

What does the prefix "im-" mean?

Possible means you can do it, but impossible means you cannot do it.

The prefix "im-" means "not"


Give an example of 2 different cause and effects that happened during the American Revolution.

Because the colonists dumped the tea into the Atlantic Ocean, the British closed the Boston Harbor.

Because the British were in debt after the French and Indian war, they created the Stamp Act. 

Since the French came to help the continental army, they were able to beat the British.

Since the British's escape routes were blocked, they surrendered at Yorktown.


What is RAP? Give me an example of a sentence starter you use for the last part of RAP.

Restate, answer, prove when answering extended response questions.

When you prove your answer, you could say, "According to paragraph #_, ___________"

to make sure you cite your text evidence.


How were the perspectives (point of view) of the colonist different from the British?

The colonist were upset about tax laws created without their voices being heard. They were upset about innocent patriots dying during the Boston Massacre and other battles. They were tired of having to qaurter British troops. They thought Sons of Liberty were their heroes and role models since they led protests against King George III. They hated the King and his laws.

However, the British supported King George III and thought the Sons of Liberty were criminals and should be in jail. They paid taxes and thought it was crazy that the colonists were highly against it. They didn't understand the point of the Boston Tea Party, and thought everyone should obey the King like they did.


Fill in the blanks with the correct verb:

1. I didn't know anything about the American Revolution before, but now I ____ tell you all about it.

2. If you want to get an "A" on the test, then you ____ need to study.

3. I ____ be able to help you during the test.

1. can

2. will

3. wont


Write a sentence using the word "convenient". 

Now write another sentence using the word, "inconvenient".

What does the prefix "in-" mean?

Living next to my school is very convenient.

Living far away from the grocery store is inconvenient. 

The prefix "in-" means "not"


Tell me 5 things you learned in this unit. Do not just list words, what do they mean? What happened?

Many different answers possible.