What is the Tree Model?
(Before wave model)- Discussed by linguists for about 150 years, many languages in existence can be traced back to a much smaller number Indo-European
Definition of the PIDC Model
Describes the process by which a new word or phrase enters a language
What is the Substratum Theory?
A composite of ideas from various studies in late 1960s early 1970s, cities study by Labov of Jewish communities in New York and how pronunciation spread from these communities to create the distinctive NY accent- language changes because of globalization of language as another influences one variety of English.
What does the P stand for?
Potential- There must be potential for the word
EX. Something needs a name or there is a new social trend.
In 1872 Johannes Schmidt created what model?
What is The Wave Model
Theory of Lexical Gaps
Offshoots of Hallidays functional theory, language changes and new words emerge because it is possible and needed for innovation.
What change starts in a limited way, then accelerates as more adopt the change, and finally levels off over time---language change spreads according to people's willingness to adopt new forms.
S-Cruve Model