Spanish-American War

Yellow Journalism

- competition to gain the attention of the public, creates outrage and exaggerates events and spreads misinformation 


Role of socialism


-appealed to its support of labor organizing and beliefs in pacifism but almost all agreed that there was needed change in the structure of the economy. 

-Eugene Debs

-The Industrial Workers of the World- socialist labor union advocating for a single union for all workers working to abolish the “wage slave” system.


- IWW timber workers in WA and ID shut down the industry leading to wrath from the federal government passing laws that outlawed the IWW and imprisoned its leaders. 

- WW1 came with a growing wave of antiradicalism, subjected them to harassment and persecution.



- Journalists who began to direct public attention toward social, economic, and political injustices

- Exposed scandal, corruption, and injustice


18th amendment 

-Prohibition that banned the transport production and sale but not actual use of alcohol  


Causes of big war!

Militarism: Building militaries

Alliances: Most European countries were in alliances and would provide military aide

Imperialism: Most European countries were involved in imperialism in Asia, the Americas, and Africa

Nationalism: Their country is the best and if it is threatened they should be willing to take up arms and defend it. Caused hatred between countries


Hawaii- why and how did America get

Want: permanent base for US Navy and commercial ships, pressure from merchants, missionaries, and sugar planters

How: Americans in Hawaii staged a revolution and called for US protection, marines came and queen yielded

- Example of US imperialism 


Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

- policy of non-interference in European affairs

- declared respect for sovereign Latin nations

-authority over western hemisphere and closed off from European colonization 

- TR wanted to expand government with the trust of US citizens, Panama canal to ship goods quicker, and maintain order in Latin America


Social Gospel Movement

- Christian religion and reform

- combat injustice and poverty in cities and urban areas

- education, healthcare, childcare, and employment resources, adapt to the language and customs of America

-Ex: Jane Adams and the Hull House


Great Migration

-When thousands of african americans from the rural south moved into northern industrialist cities 

-push factors: poverty, racism, and violence; Jim Crow laws

- pull factors; the prospect of factory jobs and  communities where they had more autonomy and freedom 


US stance? 

Wilson's Neutrality- but not really (we love trading with Britain and can't survive w/o it)


Cuban Revolt

- rebels tried to reform Spanish imperialistic rule

- concentration camps lead to lots of disease and death

- both sides being bad but us journalists took rebels sides and exaggerated the Spaniards 


Turner's Thesis

- colonization as a means to expand and keep up  with European imperialism

- individualism of the frontier's wilderness reflects national democratic spirit



-National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

- use of lawsuits to deep racial constricting laws unconstitutional


Causes and effects of CPI

Committee of Public Information: gov effort to rally support for the war and suppress discontent

Reasons- anti-war sentiment, criticizing of the government, socialism

Effects- suppression of free speech and press, the imprisonment of many who defied

US joins bc


- U-Boats

-Zimmerman Telegram

- Defense of Humanity


USS Maine

- killed 260 civilians, assumed Spanish sunk it 

- McKinley, wanting to avoid conflict and ease public and political pressure, negotiated peace with Spain, didn't work

- US declares war on Spain and aids Cuban rebels


Platt Amendment

-gave the US the right to intervene in Cuba to preserve independence, life, and property 

-barred them from making treaties with other countries

- very limited political independence


Women's Suffrage and Amendment

- viewed in terms of natural rights, arguing that women should have the same rights as men, controversial topic 

- suffrage was linked with divorce, promiscuity, immortality, and neglect for children

-In 1920, 19th amendment guaranteed political rights to women everywhere.



Advertisement, Spread American culture through shared programming (baseball games, music, Olympics, tennis games, football games, etc), create center for family time, way of sharing news instantly 


Treaty of Versailles 

- war guilt placed on Germany to take all the blame

- didn't join league of nations bc we were done with Europe's drama and it would be expensive, made WorldWarWilson mad


Acquired Territories 

- Puerto Rico: little controversy

- Cuba and Guam

- The Philippines: large area and pop, social Darwinism and religious justification, anti-imperialist league 


Open Door Policy and Boxer Rebellion 

- goal for all nations to enjoy equal access to the Chinese market and avoid disputes

- benefited American traders and US economy

- uprising in China against foreigners, led to US intervention, cementing their position 

- European powers ceased their ambitions in colonizing china


17th Amendment 

Removed the power of choosing senators from the state legislature and allowed voters in each state to directly elect senators



Promoted family evening rides, picnic and weekend excursions.

Transformed ideas of vacations as it had previously been only for the wealthy but now middle and working class residents could travel for vacations. 

Cars brought pollution and congestion 

Production stimulated growth of steel, glass, and rubber industries. Along with gas stations


Red Scare

Causes: Russian Revolution, American Communists Party, bombs

Effects: Federal Gov.  orchestrated raids, portrayal almost every form of instability/protest in america as a “radical threat”, Overall violence to any alleged radicals 
