What is the term for an organism with a backbone?
what is vertebrate?
What is the difference between microevolution and macroevolution?
What is...
Microevolution- short time
Macroevolution- long time
What is the most general of 7 taxa and is the most specific?
What is ¨kingdom and species?¨
What two groups are animals broken into?
What is vertebrate and invertebrate?
Which term involves very young animals recognizing and following the first moving object they see
What is imprinting?
What does STERNGRR stand for?
what is Sythensis, Transport, Excretion, Reproduction, Nutrition, Growth & Development, Regulation, Respiration?
Which type of evidence is this?
What is homologous structure evidence?
What language did Linnaeus use to divide plants and animals into related groups?
What is ¨latin?¨
What are ribosomes in the animal cells used for?
To make proteins for amino acids.
Which tool could best be used to identify an organism based on common characteristics such as a homologous structure?
What is ¨phylogenetic tree?¨
What is a dichotomous key?
What is it used to identify an organism based on its characteristics?
What are the 3 types of natural selection?
What is stabilizing, directional, and disruptive natural selection?
The specie is capitalized and the genus is begins with a capitalized letter?
Which bodily system are hormones a part of?
What is ¨hormones are part of the endocrines system?¨
Put these in the correct order:
order, species, family, kingdom
What is ¨kingdom, order, family, species?¨
What is punctuated equilibrium?
What is ¨it is a pattern of evolution in which long stable periods are interrupted by brief periods of more rapid change?¨
Assume these 2 fish come from the same environment. Why might have cave fish evolved without eye sight?
What is ¨it lives in a dark environment, so therefore eyesight is not needed?¨
What are the 7 levels of taxa?
What are the functions of the large and small intestine?
What is ¨the large intestine absorbs water and the small intestine absorbs nutrients?¨
Which tool could best be used to identify an organism based on common characteristics such as a homologous structure?
1.DNA testing 2.chromatography
3.dichotomous key 4.phylogenetic tree
What are 3 types of kingdoms?
What is ¨Kingdom Fungi, Kingdom Protista, Kingdom Archaebacteria, Kingdom Eubacteria, Kingdom Animalia, and Kingdom Plantae¨
What is a phylogenetic tree?
What is ¨it is a branching diagram used to show evolutionary relationships.¨
Which of the following is not an example of Animalia kingdom?
sponges, mammals, birds, insects, sequoias
What is sequoias?
What is a hermaphrodite?
What do vertebrate and invertebrate aquatic animals use to breathe?
What is ¨gills?¨