What's going on here?
Rich men getting powerful off the back of the workers
Where was it?
New York City
Name one thing Rockefeller donated to?
Education, Religion, Science
What's the difference between a Captain of Industry and a Robber Baron?
fried tortilla, typically folded, filled with various mixtures, such as seasoned meat, beans, lettuce, and tomatoes
Hard Shell Taco
What's this?
Carnegie buying libraries
What did workers do when the elavator broke down during the fire?
Jumped out the window to their death
What industry was Carnegie into?
Steel industry
What industry was JP Morgan into?
Banks and Railroads
a Mexican dish consisting of a tortilla rolled around a filling, typically of beans or ground or shredded beef.
A Burrito
What does this animal represent?
A big railroad company that's taking over everything
What were they making in the factory?
What was notable about Carnegie's parents
They were poor (he built his own wealth)
What Charity did Vanderbilt give?
He built Vanderbilt University
dough made from corn flour and used to make tortillas, tamales, etc
What does the Octopus itself represent?
The Standard Oil company
Why was it dangerous in the factory and easy for a fire to spread?
Smoking cigarettes, loose clothes around, no sprinklers
What happened in the Homestead strike?
Carnegie didn't want to pay his workers more money so there was a violent strike where people died
Why was there a Workers Railroad Strike in 1877?
Workers not earning enough and long work hours (strike against Vanderbilt)
What kind of food is this
A can of refried beans
What's the meaning?
The companies are stronger than the senate (government)
Who was mostly employed (working) in the factories?
Young teenage immigrant girls
What was the name of JD Rockefellers company?
Standard Oil
What was Vanderbilt's childhood / family business?
Steamboats / steam engines
a traditional Mexican breakfast dish consisting of corn tortillas cut into quarters and lightly fried