This French leader modernized the economy, rebuilt Paris, and expanded railroads.
Who is Louis Napoleon or Napoleon III
The Berlin Conference (1884-1885) was held to divide this continent among European powers.
What is Africa
This kingdom led the unification of Germany.
What is Prussia
European imperialists often justified their actions using this ideology, which claimed Europeans had a duty to "civilize" other peoples.
What is the White Mans Burden
This 1884–1885 conference, led by Otto von Bismarck, divided Africa among European powers without African input.
What is the Berlin Conference
Otto von Bismarck pioneered this policy of practical politics based on power rather than ideology.
What is Realpolitik
This German-speaking empire struggled with nationalist uprisings and had to compromise with the Magyars in 1867.
What is the Austria-Hungarian Empire
Count Cavour and Giuseppe Garibaldi were key figures in the unification of this country.
What is Italy
This belief, which applied evolution to human societies, was used to justify European dominance over other races.
What is Social Darwinism
This 1857 rebellion led the British government to take direct control of India, ending rule by the British East India Company.
What is the Sepoy Rebellion
This Russian tsar emancipated the serfs and introduced military and judicial reforms.
Who is Alexander II
This war (1853–1856) weakened Russia and demonstrated the declining power of the Ottoman Empire.
This famous speech by Bismarck stated that "not through speeches and majority decisions will the great questions of the day be decided" but by this.
What is Blood and Iron
This biotechnological advancement allowed Europeans to venture into the interior of Africa by preventing malaria.
What is Quinine
This British imperialist and businessman sought to build a railway from Cape Town to Cairo, symbolizing British expansion in Africa.
Who is Cecil Rhodes
This italian nationalist worked with Camille Cavour and had to compromise his republican beliefs in order to forge a unified Italy
This independent kingdom would be the foundation of a unified Italian state as a constitutional monarchy under King Emmanuel II
What is Piedmont-Sardinia
The movement for a large German unification including Austria was called this.
What is Grossdeutsch
This company controlled India’s trade and political affairs before the British government took direct rule in 1858.
What is the British East India Company
This African kingdom, led by Menelik II, successfully resisted European colonization by defeating Italy at the Battle of Adwa in 1896.
What is Ethiopia
This Russian minister led an industrialization effort in the 1890s to modernize Russia.
Who is Sergei Witte
This event, where a Jewish officer was falsely accused of treason, exposed anti-Semitism in France and led to the rise of Zionism.
What is the Dreyfuss Affair
The compromise between Austria and this ethnic group in 1867 created the Dual Monarchy
Who are the Magyars
This French politician argued that imperialism was necessary for economic expansion and maintaining France’s global power in an 1884 speech.
Who is Jules Ferry
This treaty, signed after the First Opium War, forced China to cede Hong Kong to Britain and open additional ports to British trade.
What is Treaty of Nanking (Nanjing)?