What was the main economic motivation for United States imperialism?
New markets + raw materials to support industrial growth
What was the main goal of the Progressive movement?
Addressing social, political, and economic injustices caused by industrialization
What was the direct cause of the United States entering WW1?
Submarine warfare and the Zimmerman Telegram
What was the name of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s plan to resolve the issues of the Great depression?
The New Deal
What event led the United States to enter WW2 in 1941?
Attack on Pearl Harbor
Which 1898 war resulted in the United States acquiring the territories of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines?
Spanish-American War
Which amendment passed in 1912 allows for the direct election of united states senators?
17th Amendment
What was the name of Woodrow Wilson’s postwar plan that called for the establishment of the League of Nations?
Fourteen points
What was the purpose of the Social Security Act?
Financial assistance to elderly, unemployed, and disabled
What was the purpose of the Lend Lease Act of 1941?
Military aid to allies without directly entering the war
What was the main purpose behind the Open Door policy that was proposed by the United States in China?
Equal trade opportunities for all nations in China
What did the muckraking journalist Upton Sinclair do?
Exposed the unsanitary conditions of the meatpacking industry
How did the economy of the 1920s contribute to the Great Depression?
Overproduction, excessive credit, and the stock market
What did the New Deal’s Agricultral Adjustment Act (AAA) do?
Payed farmers to limit production
How did the Neutrality Acts reflect US foreign policy?
Banned arms sales and loans to warring nations
How did the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine justify intervention in Latin America?
US has the right to intervene in Latin American nations to maintain stability and prevent European involvement
How did the role of the federal government change in terms of regulating business practices?
Sherman Antitrust Act, Federal Trade commission aiming to ensuring fair competition
What was the impact of the Immigration act of 1924 on United States immigration policy?
Favored northern and western europeans while restricting southern and eastern europeans and asians
What were the major criticisms of the New Deal from the liberals and the conservatives?
Liberals believed that it didn’t help the poor enough, conservatives believed it gave the government too much power
What was the significance of the Battle of Midway?
Turning point since US destroyed most of Japan’s naval strength
How did the US acquisition of the Philippines challenge american ideals of democracy?
US left self-determination and democratic governance and acted through military force
How did the Supreme Court’s decision in Muller v Oregon reflect attitudes toward labor rights?
Limited women’s working hours but reinforced gender based labor discrimination
How did the social changes from the World War affect cultural shifts?
Roaring Twenties: consumerism, flappers, jazz
How did the supreme court react to the FDR court packing plan?
The plan added more justices to the supreme court which faced strong opposition
What was the debate behind the use of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
US justified it as the end of the war while some said it was uncessary since Japan was near surrender