The belief that white english-speaking people must be superior and therefore have the duty to imperialize and “improve it.”
Abolition, temperance, improve working conditions.
Reasons for women’s suffrage.
What were the four main causes of the WW1 (think acronym M.A.I.N)?
Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism
Prosperity depending on a few basic industries (like automobiles), with more supply than demand.
Overproduction/Lack of diversification
measures taken to prevent a future war
Five Power Pact, Nine Power Pact, Four Power Pact, Kellogg-Briand Pact, League of Nations
A diplomatic policy aimed to ensure equal trading rights to all nations in a specific market, ensuring that no single power can monopolize trade in that area. (China)
Open Door Policy
A fusion of social justice and religious principles. It was a movement aimed at redeeming the nation’s cities. Major organizations in this movement were the Salvation Army, YMCA, and YWCA.
Social Gospel
What were some of the new innovations/movements during the roaring twenties?
birth control, automobiles, radio, telephone, sound in movies, Harlem Renaissance, lots of consumerism etc.
One of the worst droughts. Little to no rainfall, rising of heat. In addition, farm regions became deserts and families were forced to move.
The dust bowl.
ongoing tensions that led to WW2
Japan invading Manchuria, rise of dictators (Mussolini and Hitler), failed appeasement, Germany invading Poland etc
The ship that blue up from accidental explosion. But, war hysteria contributed to the false belief that the explosion was from Spanish forces trying to sink the ship.
USS Maine
An effort, for which no scientific tools exist, to grade races and ethnic groups according to their genetic qualities (skull size, “bad traits”)
An international organization to oversee world affairs created by the allied nations in search for a new world order.
League of Nations
Causes of the Great Depression.
Overproduction, maldistribution of wealth, weak banking system, and declining exports.
Reasons for Pearl Harbor attack
Expansions of empire, embargo, US Naval Fleet expansion, US supporting allies indirectly (cash and carry)
motivations fueling American Imperialism
social darwinism, “civilizing barbarians” economic competition, dominance as world power, markets to sell goods
Consumer protection, corporate regulation, conservation of land.
3 c’s of the Square deal
Why did the US enter the War?
economic ties to britain, German sinking of Lusitania (British passenger ship), intercepting the Zimmerman Telegram that was trying to provoke Mexico into getting in a war with US
Comedies, soap operas, public performances.
Escapist programming
US military force presence in Latin American countries. This also includes US investments in Latin America, building roads and structures to increase access to natural resources, and giving loans to governors in these countries to increase dependency.
Yankee Imperialism
Name an example of American imperialism during this time period. Specify the reason.
Platt Amendment → american economic dominance,
acquiring Philippines, Puerto Rico→ Spanish-
American War
Hawaii→ American coup
Figurehead of the progressive era. He was the governor of Wisconsin and brought direct primaries, initiative and referendum, regulated railroads, taxed the rich, and worker compensation.
Robert la Follete
Encourage African Americans to take pride in achievements and develop awareness of own heritage. Created United Negro Improvement Association - launch chain of black owned stores
Marcus Garvey
Mass attempts for depositors to withdraw money from the bank before the bank collapsed during the Great Depression.
Bank Runs
Japanese American defied government order to go to concentration camps and gets arrested; goes to trial and loses. The Supreme Court turns over case later and gives reparation to internees.
Korematsu vs US