Who were the two main rival nations during the Cold War?
What did the US & Great Britain decide was the best solution to ending the Berlin Blockade?
2 Wins - save ppl in Berlin & prevent spread of communism
What was the name of the war strategy of the Vietcong that included booby traps and sneak attacks?
Guerrilla Warfare
Duck & Cover
This leader took over after the death of Joseph Stalin and supported the building of the Berlin wall in Communist East Germany.
Nikita Khrushchev
This policy focuses on stopping the spread of communism
The event in which the U.S. discovered Soviet Missiles in Cuba following the Bay of Pigs Invasion was called the C_____ ___________ _________
Cuban Missile Crisis
NATO - Western Europe
Warsaw Pact - Eastern Europe
This containment policy was named after a Cold War President and provided $400 million in aide to 2 nations close to the Mediterranean sea (Bonus 100 for naming the countries)
Truman Doctrine
(Greece & Turkey)
This term suggests that in the event of a nuclear war, both parties (US & USSR) would be completely annihilated
Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD)
America was divided in their support/opposition of the Vietnam War. One result of this being the 26th Amendment that made the federal voting age 18. What were the two groups called who either supported/opposed the war?
Doves & Hawks
This military alliance was created to combat communist aggression, although today it serves many other purposes and includes 32 member countries.
(North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
This event included an American spy plane being shot down by the USSR and showed that Cold War tensions were not going away anytime soon in 1960...
U2 Incident
The competition that involved building up arsenals of nuclear weapons (weapons of mass destruction) is called the _________ ______ _______.
Nuclear Arms Race
This program was focused on rebuilding the weakened economies of Western European countries after World War 2.
Marshall Plan
What was the name of the couple who were accused and convicted of Espionage and were later executed in 1953?
Julius & Ethel Rosenberg
Give 2 Examples of the United States acting on the containment policy and explain whether or not each one would be considered successful at containing the spread of communism (can split this up between team members)
Some potential choices:
Berlin airlift, Korean War, Vietnam War, Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, NATO, etc.