SSA Physical Feature Glossary

A savanna is...

Wide open grasslands with scattered trees, usually located between tropical rain forests and deserts!

Ooh, look at these nice Savannahs!!!!!

Map showing the locations of Savannah landscape in Sub-Saharan Africa:


A cape is....

A piece of land extending out into a body of water.

The southern tip of Africa in the coutnry of South Africa is famous and known as the Cape of Good Hope. This is where the city of Cape Town is located!

Read about it here - 


Colonialism is...

the policy or practice of taking political control over another country, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting [taking advantage of] it economically.

Exploration of Africa by Europeans over the last 300 years has led to a terrible period of colonialism where many places were controlled and dominated by foreign country. This also allowed the slave trade to expand and get worse as Europeans captured and sold Africans from their colonies to other coutries in the Americas, Europe, and Asia.


A basin is...

An area of low elevation, usually where water collects from rivers and/or rain forests

Congo Basin/Rainforest map:

Congo River runs through the Congo Basin:


Indigenous People are...

ethnic groups that are the original or earliest known inhabitants of a land. Also referred to as native people groups.

Many indigenous peoples around the world are concerned about the survival of their communities as places modernize, urbanize, and are affected by climate change. Many indigenous groups rely on natural resources and the land for both economic, but also spiritual, survival.

You know what's awesome? The amazing costume and set desginers of the Black Panther movie worked hard to incorporate real, authentic traditions & clothing of native African societies:
