Innovations and Inventions
Politics and Court Cases
Industrialization and Urbanization
The first major improved highway in the United States to be built by the Federal Government, allowing road construction to become a major industry in the United States.
What is the National Road (reference Unit Outline Section IV)
An announcement to European nations like Britain, France, Spain, etc, declaring that further colonization of the Americas was prohibited.
What is the Monroe Doctrine (reference the political cartoon we observed in class)
True or False: The Northern economy relied on slave labor to work large plantations, and the Southern economy relied on low-paid labor to work in factories.
What is False
A.) Which European country was your alter ego from in the Immigration Activity? B.) Why did you come to America?
A.) Answers will vary. Russia, Italy, Poland, Norway, Ireland B.) Answers will vary. a chance at a better life, religious persecution, economic turmoil, etc.
Minimal Governmental Intrusion, Free Choices by Consumers and Producers
What is the Free Enterprise System (Unit Outline Section I)
How did the factory system contribute to the rapid industrialization of the United States? A.) By using slave labor to mass-produce goods B.) By making the production of goods more efficient C.) By making the distribution of goods less costly
What is... B.) By making the production of goods more efficient
Only the federal government has power to regulate interstate commerce
What is Gibbons v. Ogden
When this mineral was discovered in California, 1848, it sparked one of the largest global migrations in the history of civilization.
What is Gold!
True or False: The availability of capital, an abundance of laborers, and new transportation systems led to the rapid industrialization of the United States
What is True (Section V)
Strict government control over businesses, media, the economy, etc.
What is Communism
Why did the demand for slaves increase in the South after the Cotton Gin was patented by Eli Whitney?
The Cotton could "do the work of 50 men". Plantations expanded to support "King Cotton", meaning more slaves were needed to work the fields, plow, pick, harvest, etc.
Federal courts determine the constitutionality of a law (judicial review)
What is Marbury v. Madison
Which region do the following characteristics describe: Mining, prospecting, scarcity of water, Pacific Ocean A.) Southern B.) Western C.) Northern D.) Northeastern
What is B.) Western
Clues: Parts that are identical. They fit into any assembly of the same type. One such part can replace another. Popularized by Eli Whitney
What are interchangeble parts
Transformed New York into the economic center of the world!
What is the Erie Canal (Unit Outline Section IV)
The telegraph enabled instantaneous long-distance transmission of information. Can you name the signaling alphabet that developed with it?
What is Morse Code (invented by Samuel Morse and his assistant Alfred)
Congress has implied powers under the “necessary and proper” clause of the Constitution
What is McCulloch v. Maryland
Which region, North or South would support high a high tariff on imported goods from Europe? Why?
The North. Placing a high tariff on imported goods would encourage citizens to buy domestically, which is good for the economy.
List at least two negative effects of rapid urbanization
Cramped living quarters (tenements) Poor sanitation led to spread of disease (infrastructure can’t keep up) Crime increased (law enforcement still in its infancy, no national ID system) Unsafe living/working conditions (Triangle Shirtwaist Company Fire) Immigrants struggled with poverty & language difficulties Anti-immigration sentiment was common because immigrants were willing to work for lower wages Nativism (native born Americans wanted to limit foreign influence) Discrimination toward immigrants, women, & children
During the early 1800s many young women in New England were employed outside their homes as...? A.) Cloth weavers in textile mills B.) Stock market brokers C.) Lawyers in federal courts
What is A.) Cloth weavers in textile mills
Cause or Effect of improved Steamboat Technology? 1.) James Watt Patents the Steam Engine 2.) The tourists industry develops 3.) The cost of transporting goods up and down rivers decreases
What is 1.) Cause 2.) Effect 3.) Effect
Name two 2016 presidential candidates from the Democratic and Republican parties.
Answers will vary. R: Donald Trump, D: Hilary Clinton, R. Ben Carson, D: Bernie Sanders
Missouri was permitted to enter as a slave state, and Maine as a free state to "keep the balance". Members of Congress drew a line west along the southern border of Missouri to settle future disputes among the western territories.
What is The Missouri Compromise of 1820
List at least two positive effects (results) of the rapid industrialization and urbanization of the United States.
Answers will vary. Job opportunities in cities increased, Agriculture became more mechanized, Prices of consumer goods decreased
The supply and demand of this resource seems to sway the economic and political landscape more than any other today.
What is crude oil.